Getting used to a name.

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Names are confusing, right?
These things might help you find a name you're comfortable with.

Keep in mind that it may take you some time to get used to a name.

Ways to find out of you're comfortable with this or that name:

You can talk to yourself in the mirror


"Hello there, my name's *insert name*"

"I'm *insert name*"


You can also practice having conversations with a trusted person.

How to find names:
(Already made a chapter similar to this)

If you hear/see any names you like, write them down in your notes, book, ect.

Go on baby name websites.

Ask people for name ideas.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter.
I'm sorry for not uploading, I completely forgot about this book.

Should I make a chapter about different names? Like fem, masc, gender neutral.

Anyways, bye! Stay safe & feel free to DM me.

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