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Chapter 1, Oliver

I woke up, everything dark and quiet. I was sort of ready for the day. I look over and see Kaz has already gotten up, I stretched and got out of bed, yawning. I rummaged in my closet for some clothes; I had to work some long hours today getting some particularly vile humans. Grabbing an orange striped shirt and the short-sleeved jacket that I wore so often, and slipped them on. Some ripped black jeans always complimented whatever outfit I wore, so that's all I ever did wear, mostly. I went through the hallway and into the living room, starting a pot of coffee. The smell was fresh and cozy. I decided to go outside and see if Kaz was in his garden with Desh. He was showing Desh how to plant seeds.  I admired the beautiful trees and flowers, the fruits and nuts slowly swaying in the breeze. Desh looked up to see me and waved. I assumed they were smiling but I couldn’t tell due to their mask. I saw Demn lazily resting on a tree branch like a dozing cat and chuckled at him. “Hey, Oliver!” Desh called, a bit nervous that I'd touch a plant by accident. I went over and grabbed my gloves, trying to not get them snagged on my claws. It was also difficult because the old rusted shackles got in the way. “Stop sucking up to Dad.” Demn sneered from the tree. I rolled my eyes and nudged him to make him get down. He slumped off the tree and landed on his back, stirring up dirt. Sighing, he crossed his arms over his chest. I patted his head and went over to the flower bushes, I slipped off my gloves to kill off some weeds. Immediately I put them back on so Desh wouldn't worry. I heard Desh let out a sigh of relief. I got up and went over to sit with them. They covered a patch of seeds with some dirt, putting a little stake that said ‘wildflowers’ right next to it. I got up and went back to the house. I sat the gloves down on the table and headed for the bedroom. Opening the door, I saw the gleam of the metal scythe. I grabbed it and teleported to the human realm. First one up, a person named Kaden. It seemed like my day would have a fun start. I quickly tracked them down and cornered them, being exhausted from running was an incredible disadvantage. They shook, darting their green eyes around to try to find somewhere to run. They looked at me with sadness and seemed to have accepted it was their time's end. Swiftly, I struck them in the chest with my scythe. Life left their eyes and I jerked them off the bloody blade. They dissipated into tar and then they were gone. After which, I quickly sped through my list, getting done faster than usual. I encountered one particularly short person with long black hair and scaly legs. They put up a fight interestingly enough, though dying can't be prevented. They cried out, "What the hell are you doing?!" Their voice was reasonably alarmed. "My job," I said calmly. They looked appalled that this could be true. "What do you mean your job?!" They scoffed. "I thought it was obvious? Your time's up." I gave a smile. They stumbled back, their purple eyes wide. “Wait- nononono, I have a family to go back to! Can't we make a deal?!” I made a curious glare, "You've got my attention..." "If you let me live, then when I eventually die I'll become an apprentice or something to you." I grinned wide and held out my hand, "You've got a deal." They came forward and shook my hand, eyes glowing, and I teleported in a mist of green back home. I saw Kaz reading at the table, I smiled, "Guess what I did today." He closed the book and looked at me with interest, "What did you do?" "Someone made a deal with me, an honest mistake as you know." He seemed more interested, "What was the deal?" "When they die of natural causes, they will become my 'reaper-in-training'.. or something," I said doing air quotes. He crooked an eyebrow up, "You won't be gone till the end of time, so they'll just be your pawn." "Exactly," I said coldly. He seemed impressed and smirked, "They must've been desperate then." "Yeah, they kept blabbing about how they have a family." Kaz rolled his eyes, “WE have a family too. You’d probably do the same if you were them.” "Well...I don't understand the whole caring part, but sure." He sighed and went back to reading.

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