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Chapter 3, Kaz

I got up from the table as Oliver went to put up his scythe, walking towards the bookcases. I thought about how to explain to him how the concept of caring works but decided not to because then he'd get more confused. Sighing, I put the book away. I looked for a specific book, but I couldn't find it. "Desh, did you take that leather book?" No response. "Desh!" I called. "Huh?" Desh peaked their head out from the hallway. "Did you take the leather sketchbook?" They nodded, holding it up, "Why?" I shook my head, "No reason." I took a deep breath and teleported to the human realm. I had some business to attend to. I was on the sidewalk of a large city the next thing I knew. I dreaded having to do this but it was something I had to do, every so often I had to do one of Oliver's jobs. I pondered what I would use and how I would do it, people were conveying anxious looks as if they knew what I was going to do. I pulled out the small piece of paper that had the name and address of the person. I stopped cold when I saw the name. Winston Demós, Awald's tower, 5th floor, room 517, Code-3795. There was a note, I am terribly sorry you have to do this. I will be awaiting your arrival back home. -Oliver. I sighed, 'What has to be done has to be done I suppose.' I thought to myself. I had to force myself not to care, I knew deep inside I didn't want to do it, but it was what I had to do.

I teleported to the floor, in front of his door, entering the code. I stepped in quietly and saw Winston on the sofa watching TV. I cleared my throat loudly to announce myself and he heard it, getting up wide-eyed. He looked at me with small tears in his eyes, "Is that you Kaz...? By God, what the hell has happened to you?" He walked toward me in disbelief and I already felt the crushing weight of guilt and grief. He seemed to notice it, "What's wrong? What have you come here for after all these years? Are you here because you remembered me?" I took a deep breath, "Winston...I am ashamed for what I have come here to do today." He looked at me with a nervous expression, "What? What do you mean, I don't understand...What are you talking about?" I looked at him longingly And pulled my katana out from its scabbard. "I regret to inform you, Winston Demós...Your time is up." He looked at me sadly. "Oh, so that's what you've come here for. I accept your apology." He looked to the ground, his ears perked down. He seemed to almost emit disappointment. He looked back up at me, "Can I at least have a hug before I die?" I couldn't refuse that. After all, it was his last wish. I hugged him tight and slit his throat, dropping him onto the ground. With his final dying breath, he only gave me a weak smile, tears in his eyes. Then, he dispersed into the air, never to appear again. Looking back at where my brother was, all that was left was a few drops of blood. I put away my katana and teleported home to find that Oliver had maintained his word. He greeted me with pained eyes, he understood a little as to why it would be a difficult thing to do. He gave a wry smile, seemingly of worry, which was unusual for him to worry about me having to kill someone. I sighed, "Why was he even on my list in the first place?" He glanced at me and looked away. "Well, I can't permanently kill him. You're the only one who could." I glared at him coldly, "How did you know that?" He gazed at me malevolently, "I know more than you might guess Kaz." He smirked. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose before walking off to sit in the garden to calm myself. I climbed one of the low branches of the oak, laying back against the trunk. Relaxing, my eyes closed and I hummed a small tune. Moments later there was a bit of a tapping that went along with my humming. At first, I thought it was just my imagination, but when I heard a, "Hey, you okay Dad?" I opened my eyes with surprise to see Desh perched on a branch slightly above and to the side of mine. I thought for a moment. "Yes, I'm good, why do you ask?" They shrugged, "You seemed a little upset." I thought of saying something sarcastic, but kept it in my head. "You know, that was a pretty good tune." Desh said a little awkwardly, obviously trying to make a little small talk. I nodded, "It's one of my favorite songs." Now they seemed pretty interested, "What's the name of it?" I thought for a bit, "It's been a while since I thought of the name...I don't really remember." "Maybe you're getting old." They said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes, "I'm only 27 Desh." "Well, that's three years until you're 30, which is only 10 years till you're 40." Desh said, laughing a little. It wasn't very often when they actually showed that they were happy, but it made me happy when they were happy. I chuckled a bit, "Yeah, you're right." "Anyways..." Desh suddenly hung upside down on the branch they were on, their dark red hair hanging in a curly mess. "What are you doing out here?" I sighed, "Oh you know, Oliver's being a bit annoying. What about you?" Desh got down on a branch next to mine, "Oh, you know, Demn yelling at me for drumming on random stuff, so I just came out here instead." "Would you like some drums? You would be able to do it better. And if Demn nags at you, you should come get me." Desh smiled, "I would love some drums. Thanks, dad." It was kinda their thing, ever since they were little, always drumming on things nonstop to the point that their hands were completely calloused by the time they were 6. "You know, I can play the guitar. We can be a little instrumental duo." I smiled warmly recalling the time I sang to Oliver on our second date. "I think I'd like to try that." I looked at them, snapping out of the memory, and grinned.

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