homeboys special

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⭒⠀       𝐨

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⭒⠀ 𝐨. RIGHT THERE . 🕷
( smut warning between well e & con🌚
fingering. crying. pet names. n more )

" 𝐄." connie trailed off sitting on the back of his calves, as his hands roamed around eren's body. the male's front pressed against eren's back , his head resting on connie's shoulder breathing heavily already connie laughed at it

connie biting the skin on his shoulder, quickly replacing it with wet kisses, eren lolling his head eyes closed enjoying the fairy pleasure.

connie spreading him only to circle a lubed finger against eren's rim , his other hand moving down to eren's stomach. as the shorter threaded their fingers together, connie teasing him softly as eren whimpered.

gasping once he felt connie's hand reach up to his throat, turning his head to the side.

" you're already actin' like a whore and ian' even touch you yet" he teases hearing more whines from eren

" m' sorry con. just wan' feel you please" he stuttered out , attempting to move his hips in an angle that'll get connie's fingers inside of him. connie pressing his lips against eren's , as the two messily kissed. his tongue finding a way into the other's mouth, while eren tried pulling away to catch his breath. connie not allowing it as he tightened his grip on his neck.

" mmph-oh fuck!" eren moaned out feeling connie's two fingers inside of him, slushing in and out while connie stayed silent. only listening to the curses and whines eren was currently letting out

" feels s' good con! more please!" eren commented , connie chuckling sliding his hand out feeling eren's body shudder. turning him around on his back spread out on the bed, connie staring blankly at him as eren bit his lip letting out a feminine whine

" you sound so pretty baby." connie smiled, hus finger tips trailing down erens body. stopping back to his hole.

" i do?" sounding desperate. eren heard how he sounded, and only thing connie was doing was teasing and fingering him.

" but you also sound like a whore in heat. actin' like this n' you probably won't be a good fuck."

eren's breath whooshes out and he grips the sheets , gasping loudly once connie long slender fingers made way back inside where they belonged. pouting at what connie said to him , squeezing his eyes closed tight.

"tha-that's not nice con" eren whispers.

" not nice? you always have so much to say. especially in the group chat. plus. you like being humiliated" connie fires back , his voice getting low. spreading his fingers wide inside eren who arched his back , mouth open as a loud ah was released from his throat.

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