Chapter 2

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*1 Week Later*

A few days after the call, Rear Admiral Dura had been transferred to another base a week later like he said he was.

You smiled and wished him luck on his new journey as he got on the ship.

You stayed on the deck as you watched the ship sail off until it was out of view.

Once he was officially gone, you turned back to your quarters to continue on with your work.

You wanted to finish the reports left for you but your mind kept drifting to Dura.

You had known him since the day you first joined the marines and seeing him leave had taken a toll on you.

You thought about your days training with him.

How patient he was with you.

The times he would sneak food into your room because you were still hungry.

He had done so much for you and seeing him leave made you realize.

You're on your own now.

Not that you needed him of course.

You are an adult now and you've done well handling huge responsibilities yourself.

18 is not a mature age to most, but you got THIS far considering that people continuously doubt you.

Your ranking is not enough to consider yourself powerful, but you were ready.

You were willing to take risks because its who you are.

You refused to let anyone bring you down and that's why people respect you.

You just hoped that the other high ranks see potential in you...

Unless HE had anything to say about it..

"Captain (Y/N)."

You looked up to see 2 marine soldiers had entered and saluted you.

You- "As you were.."

"Yes ma'am, We have received word that Captain Deres's ship is approaching with the child."

You nodded.

You- "Good, anything else?"

"That is it Captain."

You- "Alright, return to your posts."

"Yes Ma'am."

They saluted and leave your quarters.

You sighed as you lean back in your chair.

You gazed out the window to watch the calm ocean water.

You used to look at the ocean water to relax yourself.

But now it does nothing to you.

You look at it and cringed a bit.

You turned your gaze away from the window and turned back to the reports on your desk.

It was Sengoku's files on Minion Island.

Everything that went on and the aftermath of it all.

You had read the report numerous times just to keep your mind off of things but it only did so much.

That was until...



Your eyes slowly shift to the window.

After seeing nothing, you grab your coat and place it on your shoulders and head up to get a better view.

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