Chapter 5

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((A/N: I can't believe its almost been a year since I've updated and I'm so sorry for not updating! 🙈 I promise I'll get back into it, I just get easily distracted when it comes to other books 🤦🏻‍♀️ But I do intend to finish this book, I can't say when but just know that this story is definitely NOT abandoned and i will try to update more often...but we'll see when because I suck at keeping promises.. 😭))






She's a logia user...

And not just ANY logia...

She can control the water in the ocean...

How can such a power exist?

How does she even control it?

Can she even control it?

If she can...

Then why hasn't she resurfaced?...

Drake thinks to himself as he holds onto the railings and watches the other Marines use the life savers to fish everyone out of the sea.

Some are able to swim to the ladder that's on the side of the ship.

But others are fortunate enough to still be alive after being underwater for some time.

But for some reason Drake got worried when he doesn't see you.

He doesn't understand why but he feels like he can trust you.

He knows your words are sincere.

After all, you are the only one to actually care for him.

Even though he is Barrel's son...

...You looked passed that.

Something no one has ever done before....


Soon Drake was pulled off from the rails as his hands were forced behind his back to place sea prism cuffs on.

"You are under arrest! You are to stay in the lower decks until further notice!"

Drake just sighs and lets them take him away.

At this point he doesn't even care anymore.

He just wants to know if you're okay or not.

But as long as the Commodore is still around...





He can go to hell...



"Captain!! Answer us if you're still alive?!"

One if the marines shouted as he shook your unconscious form.

"Captain answer!!"

"You idiot! Can't you see she's out?! Use CPR!!"

"I'm not going to put my lips on her!"

"Its just CPR!"

"But what if she wakes up and hits me?!"

"You're scared of a little punch?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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