"Your not that bad"

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Eddie and Steve walked out of the arcade. Steve could tell something was wrong with Eddie, obviously.

He wanted Eddie to trust him. "So.... Do you need a ride home" Steve asked.

"It's okay, I can walk". "In the dark, no way I'm letting you do that".

Steve started walking to his car. Eddie just froze and looked at Steve.

"Cmon Munson". Eddie ran over. They both got in the car and headed to

Eddies. It was silent for a while. "Thanks for the ride" Eddie slightly smiled.

"No problem" Steve smiled back. After a few minutes they reached a trailer park.

"Oh this is me" Eddie said embarrassed. Steve drove up to the trailer that Eddie pointed at.

Steve parked the car. "Um Eddie, are you okay, I don't wanna sound

annoying but you gave us all a scare today". "It- um it's a long story".

Steve grabbed Eddies hands. "You can tell me, I won't tell anyone"

Steve paused, "You can trust me". "Well you can come inside of you'd like" Eddie said.

"I would love to... I mean it is freezing out here" they both laughed.

Then the 2 boys got out of the car and headed inside. "Hey where's your bathroom" Steve asked.

"Oh down the hall on your left" Eddie smiled. As soon as Steve went into the

bathroom Eddie broke down in tears. He didn't know how to tell Steve

about.... Well why what happened, happened.

He got up and got some water to try and calm down. A few minutes later

Steve entered the room Eddie was in. He could tell he was crying.

"Woah Eddie, what's wrong" Steve asked concerned.

"Nothing dude I'm fine" Eddie lied. Steve gave Eddie this look. This look

Of concern and sadness. Eddie started breaking down again. Steve pulled Eddie into a hug.

"It's okay Eddie, your okay" Steve comforted Eddie. They stayed like that for a few minutes.

Eddies sobs started turning into soft sniffles.

He pulled away from the hug and grabbed Steve's hand guiding him to the couch.

"Harrington, you have to promise me something" Eddie said in a serious tone.

Steve nodded. "Don't tell this to anyone, I don't need to give people another

reason to think I'm a freak" Eddies smiled faded. "Of course man, I promise".

"So um, I'll try to make this simple as possible" Eddie chuckled.

"It started a few months ago, I started believing what people said about me,

me being a freak, so I stopped eating as much, but I didn't think it was enough so I just stopped-" Eddies voice broke.

"You have trouble eating" Steve asked tearing up. Eddie nodded.

"I'm sorry, you just can't let those douchebags get to you, and I know.. It'll be hard but if you stand up to them it'll make you feel so much better"

Steve smiled. Then a tear had rolled down his face. "Dude don't cry please" Eddie wiped off the tear that fell from Steve's eyes.

"I just want you to know that you have me, robin, Dustin and everyone else.

I know we haven't known each other for that long, but I do care about you"

Steve said grabbing Eddies hands. "Thanks man" Eddie said.

"Of course, and thank you for telling me".Eddie nodded."You know Harrington

"Your not that bad"

Sorry again for the long update, so how's everyone mentally after watching the second volume.... Because I am not okay 😅

𝓜𝔂 𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓵𝓭//𝚂𝚝𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚎 𝙵𝚊𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚌Where stories live. Discover now