01.1 || 𝑴𝒚𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑴𝒂𝒚𝒉𝒆𝒎 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 1

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"Yellow submarine, are we clear?"

"Affirmative, Red Rover!"

"Copy! Alright boys, it's go time."

The four mutant turtles then slide down in the zip line, before the leader signals a sign. But they aren't going to the Party anyways. Instead, they are gonna have a cannonball RIGHT BESIDE the building.

The four turtles leaped out as soon as Raphael signed them to go.





"CANNONBALL!" The four turtles then fell in the pool. April and Jewel cheered, but that was until April was splashed a huge amount of water, thankfully Jewel dodged just in time. But still, the two cheered continuously as the boys danced in victory.

"Hah! You must be this rad to ride that ride!" Mikey commented.

Donnie then tap on his wristband, "Oh base on our velocity and entry angle... I concur, we rad!"

"You guys crushed it! Gives us five!" The turtles then gave April and Jewel a high five or three as the turtles described.

"Or three, for short." Jewel commented.

Raph then complimented the two, "Couldn't done it without you, April. Our girl with the plan." Leo leaped in with the keys to the roof, "And with our beloved Hermana~" He winked cheekily, Jewel just rolled her eyes and catch the key.

"Let's go bungee dunks on the hoops at Rucker park." Mikey suggested. April then agrees, "Game on! Just one thing first." She turned to Jewel who tossed the "Wet floor" sign at April.

"Wet floor."

"And "Dry pool". Our work is finally done here, Bros." Jewel announced. April turned to Donnie, "Donnie, can I hitch a ride?"

"No probles." Donnie turned his back with April jumped in. His shell transformed into a one person ride provided a seat and handlebars. The rotors whirl and they lift off from the rooftop, followed by the other three turtles and Jewel. As Raph is jumping down, he spots the two little doglike creatures but with different color palettes, who both shivering and whimpering in a construction yard. Raph was amazed to the two creatures.

With him smacked in the wall.

He then regained posture and crawl back up to the building, calling out his siblings and April, "Hey! Hey, guys! Hold up. Poor things looks lost." He pointed to the two creatures before jumping out on the building, scaring the two creatures.

"Hey, little guys, what'chu doin here? Mm, mm, come to big Raphie." Leo, Donnie, Mikey, April and Jewel all laughed together at Raph's baby mockery.

He then glares at them, "What? Pets love me right?" He then turns to the two, "I am one with the animals."

That was the final straw.

The two creatures growl and leap at Raph's face, clawing him up and then the two jumps into April and Jewel's arms. It begins licking them.

"Aww. We didn't get these drenched from the cannonball." April said as the creature seems comfortable at her arms. The same thing at Jewel too, who pet the creature's head and it begins to purr.

"Same here, but hey! They seems so nice!" She added, Leo then pet the creature gingerly, at first the creature is reluctanted but begin to warm up at Leo's touches. "They look so weird, what is that?" Mikey asked, Donnie lean down at April's height and noticed a vial on the creature's neck.

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