01.2 || 𝑴𝒚𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑴𝒂𝒚𝒉𝒆𝒎 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 2

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That... Happened.

April and Jewel are gone because they entered a portal like opening. Leo was of course, devastated because Jewel is not there beside him.

But somehow... It gained him more hope. As Leo stole the same key that Garm and Freki had from their father's cabinet, Splinter's "DO NOT TOUCH" cabinet, and his brothers re-enters the portal and eventually landed in an unknown place underneath New York.

"Land... Safely. AHA. Oh... Woah..." The turtles were amused at the view in front of them. "I could smell Raph's stink."

"Psst, Mi Hermanos." Jewel whispered, making the turtles turned around at saw Jewel and April unharmed.

"April!" Mikey yelled.

"Jewel!" Leo yelled.

And they made a group hug, but Leo's hug is somewhat a "I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE SAFE!" Type of hug. Before they let go of each other, except for Leo who placed his hand around her shoulder.

"Donnie where are we?" Raph asked to his genius brother.

"According to my calculations, we are in a tertiary meta-verse." Donnie said.

April then countered Donnie's analysis, "Actually, Jewel and I have been exploring, and we're in a mystic hidden city deep under New York!"

"That was my second guess."

Leo then turned to Jewel, "Okay, so where's the two dog thingies?"

"They're in there, Leon." Jewel answered as everyone turned their heads and looked towards a round structure high up on the hill. They entered the structure and all of them gasped and made amazing noises.

Donnie then commented, "Look at the color scheme. Woah, I'd love to do my lab in this style."

All of them kneeled down in the rear end, Raph pointed at the captured victims, "Hey, there's the little guys and they're three! And the delivery guy too!" The creature kept teleporting, but it was no avail, while the other is hugging itself in the corner for comfort. "We gotta help them get out!" Raph said but Jewel stopped him.

"Quiet, big bro. Someone's coming!" She hushed.

Baron Draxum then appears, stopping in front of the cages. "If you're the guy that keeps calling about the calamari, fine, it's pig butts! But the crab cakes are real." The Delivery guy commented.

"I assure you, I have no interest in your petty cakes of crab." Draxum said before a creature leaps from Draxum's shoulder onto the front of the cage.

"But we would love to hear more about those pig butts." Muninn said.

Draxum squats in front of the creature's cage and reaches the two vials inside. "So nice of you two to return my vial." He yanked off the two vials on their necks and re-approached the delivery guy again. "You are about to be part of an experiment that will change the very nature of humanity." He said, the delivery guy agreed innocently.

April, Jewel and the Turtles are looking at one another before looking back down.

Draxum uncorks the globe and pours green liquid contents into a giant tank full of Oozesquitoes. The liquid flows up to the cylinder and electricity begins to spark the tubes.

"This dude looks like trouble." April said, Raph then agrees, "Yeah, and if I've learned anything from "Jupiter Jim" movies, glowing green usually equals bad."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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