SaS Nightmare (Part 3)

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"How dare you?!" Jeera was pacing outside the medward, yelling at Hunter, "Hasn't that poor girl done enough?" Ghost was silent, staring at the ground as if in shame. Bear, DC, Jordan, and Kaiden were sitting on one of the benches, comforting each other. With a roar, Xiraxus pushed his head through the window. "I came as soon as I could. Where is she?" Kaiden went outside to talk to him just as Marselle stepped out of the med ward. "You can come in, Fletcher thinks she will pull through."

Alex woke up feeling horrible. Fletcher's tense face swam into view above of her, replaced by DC, Kiaden, Jordan, and Bear. Even Xira. As she drifted in and out of consciousness, Alex remembered Niyx, and Skyla. She recalled the battles and cried out for them to be careful, to dodge, and she watched them die, over and over. Alex re-watched the dystopian view of the future the Library had showed her, all while her side felt like it was on fire.

"Where is Alex?" Roka burst into the room on the Valispath, Kiya and Zain on his heels. Roka glared around the assembled humans, few of who met his gaze. "She is here. She was attacked by a Sarnaph." Said Kaiden James in a hoarse voice. He was holding Alex's hand, with bags under his eyes and a visibly tired posture. "Xira is worried by the way," Kiya said by a way of greeting. Zain had walked up to Alex, and was looking down one her bandage covered self. His voice was thick with emotion when he said, "Little Human."

Suddenly Alex thrashed in her medicine induced sleep. "We fought it on Mount Paedris," Kaiden supplied. For a minute Roka didn't understand, then it struck him, "Niyx.", He swore loudly "Exactly," Most of the people in the room looked confused, but suddenly Roka got it. "Alex didn't listen, did she?" It wasn't really a question, he already knew the answer. Suddenly Alex screamed and started thrashing again. Starting in surprise the doctor, Fletcher, Roka recalled, quickly filled an needle with a swirling green liquid and injected it into her arm. "Sleep Relaxant." He said as he pulled the now empty needle out. Roka looked around at the assembled humans, "Care to introduce us?" He said, knowing it would do Kaiden good to have something to distract him from the ever so still Alex. "This is Fletcher, Jeera, Marselle, Hunter." The last was said with a scowl at the dark cloaked man at the back, "And this is Declan and Pip, Alex saved her life fighting the Hyroa. The rest you already know." Roka nodded, he did. "Why don't you give her some Leandra?" "She didn't sign the permission slip that lets us use it for her." This time it was Fletcher who answered.

Roka frowned before remembering, "Niyx," he repeated. Kaiden, Declan, Jordan, and DC nodded, with all the adults in the room continuing to look increasingly confused. Roka decided to fill them in, hoping Alex would understand, "Niyx Raedon was done of Alex's closest friends, he was sister to Mayra Raedon and sacrificed himself to Aven to save Alex. He died on the peak of Mount Peadris after Leandra repeatedly failed to close his wounds" From here Kaiden picked up the story, adding parts Roka had never known. "He was attacked by a hyroa, a sarnaph, while she was stuck millennia in the past, and Alex was the only one close enough to help. She Claimed him."

The room at general gasped, including the Meyarins, Roka had never heard this story. Kaiden was quick to continue. "She Released him as soon as it was possible to do so safely, after he trained her to face Aven. Despite her Releasing him, Niyx did not accept her Release, which meant she continued to be mentally bond with him. Though Alex retained no control over his actions. This meant that neither were at full strength before the Battle of Graevale, as Aven had Alex brutally tortured, by Niyx himself. Niyx was Alex's spy in Meya during Aven's rule. He was the reason that we found out about how Aven was eating the hearts of Meyarins."

Roka was shocked, how could Alex never tell him, it seemed she hadn't shared with her friends either, judging by their thunderstruck expressions. "She, she did that?" It was Warden Jeera who asked, looking stupefied. Kaiden nodded, "I didn't want to share, it is Alex's story to tell, but I think she would understand." "What would I understand?"

"Alex!" Alex winced as most of the room broke into startled exclamations, increasing her pounding headache. She tried to push herself upright, but cried out in pain as the movement sent pain rippling down her side. Bear gently pushed her shoulders down until she gave in and relaxed. "Now tell me, what will I understand?" It was Nisha who answered, gently, "Kaiden told us about Niyx. Alex, I am so, so sorry." Alex nodded, because she did understand. "Do you all remember the time we disappeared, towards the end of the war? Well, we were in Tia Auruas, trying to convince the world's natives to aid is in the fight against Aven. They have these gates, The Gates Of Testing, which we had to pass, one of them was the Gate Of Lost Souls. I met Niyx, Skyla, William, Aeas Daega, and King Astophe. It helped. You remeber right, Bear?", He nodded as she stumbled over her words, not being able to put them into an articulate format without sobbing. Alex hadn't even realised she was crying until Kaiden gently wiped her tear stained cheeks.

Fletcher wondered what the hell had happened to Alex. Not only the loss and horrors she had suffered, but the friendships she had built, the lives she had changed. He knew he would probably never get the whole story, but he would be here any way. To listen, to heal, to help this amazing young lady.

But as Alex slowly regained her composure, she started talking. She told them about her childhood, her trip to the past, her draekon, her life, her soul. With each sentence, Fletcher grew more and more wondering. How was it that such a young girl could do all of this, suffer so much, and yet be so kind, yet think of others before herself? Though it explained somethings. Her quiet composure, her protectiveness, even the mercy she had offered Aven. Alex's words still rang empty though, like she was speaking of this from the end of a long tunnel, one she believed no one could cross. And maybe, no-one could.

Heellllllooo Fellow Medorans, did you like this one? Comment on any mistakes, cause i am only really doing this to practice my writing. Do you guys have any suggestions for what i should do next?

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