SaS Nightmare (Part2)

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Alex was furious. Hyroa Blood? That's what Hunter wanted them to harvest? And of course hyroa blood could only be harvested safely after first detaining a hyroa. She was going to have words with Mister Face-Your-Past-Hunter. Very, very harsh words. Probably supplemented with her extensive vocabulary of expletives from General Drock. Once she caught an hyroa of course. Alex shivered, and Kaiden put a comforting arm around her shoulders. "You alright?" He asked. She wasn't.  But he of all people knew that. They were climbing through the trees, moving away from the tip of the mountain where they had located a nest. And set the trap.

Without warning, it was there. A hyroa. Wiry brown fur, red eyes, and a long thin neck. (I don't really remember the description of the hyroa, and im to comfy in bed to get up and walk into the other room to grab my books and check)It growled  A deep, seemingly unending growl. Catching sight of   Pipsqueak, who had just slipped out of her tree a minute prior, the Hyroa swerved around the dead rabbit-bear-thing Tom had caught for bait, as well as passing the rope and wire trap unscathed. With a quiet curse, Alex silently willed him to get up. But she didn't, and from her dazed expression it seemed she had a concussion. Alex saw a rustling to the side of the clearing where she had been tracking Hunter with her immortal senses. With the hyroa closing in so fast she doubted he would get to the fallen Declan in time. Summoning A'enara, she jumped.

"Alex!" The agonised sound that tore through Kaiden's throat was heartbreaking. Tom stilled, knowing his gift, a small amount of elemental wind manipulation was utterly useless in such a situation. But it seemed Alex, somehow, was managing. Rolling to recover, she weaved in and out of the trees with supernatural speed and precision. There were rumours about that girl, about how she had come to acquire the ice coloured weapon she now held with easy grace, her inky scaled draekon, her association with Meyaran royalty. All in all a startling figure. Not to mention the nights she woke up screaming for Niyx, Mayra, and Lady Mystic, whoever the blazes they were. Alex duelled the hyroa, making shallow cuts, revealing blood the colour of the sand of the Soori Desert after rain and dancing around it while taunting it. "Is that all you can do, you filthy sarnaph?" "My friend killed one of you once, and the effort nearly killed him, and me. I'd like to return the favour." Tom had no idea what she was on about, but Kaiden, Declan and Jordan all seemed to visibly pale. "Slow down, Alex. Listen." Jordan's words seemed to have no effect on her. Alex's fighting grew sloppier and slower. Until with a scream of hatred and rage, the hyroa slashed it's claws. This time it was different. It made contact, creating deep, dark cuts on her back as she desperately tried to whirl out if the way . Alex's scream was horrible to hear, but, as she did, the trap she had painstakingly lured the hyroa back into, activated. It's murky brown blood still dripping onto the screaming Alex, it slowly, painfully, died. Just as Hunter crashed into the clearing, swearing loudly.

"Alex! ALEX!" Kaiden scooped up her body, trying to revive her. He glared at Hunter. "You, you did this." The Ghost's generally calm demeanour was panicked, rummaging through the pack at his feet. "Come on, come on" The Ghost's frantic actions slowed as he found what he was looking for, and sprayed it straight into the still screaming Alex's face. The instant relaxant worked immediately, slowing Alex down, and quieting her screams into broken sobs. The rest of the class climbed down from the trees and gathered around Hunter, who held out a bubbler vial. "Go back to campus, class dismissed." there was a wobble in his voice that struck Kaiden as strange. Jordan took the Bubbler and threw it on the ground, with more force then was strictly necessary. Kaiden stepped through after him, still holding the weeping Alex, as Tom helped Declan up and into the Bubbler.

Fletcher was reorganising his medicine cabinet and thinking about his family in Woodhaven when the Bubbler deposited the SaS class straight into his med room. His keen eyes took in the concussed Declan, the beaten up SaS class, weeping and bloodied Alex, and scowling Kaiden and Jordan, the latter holding Alex in his  arms. "Grab a bed, and I will look at you all" "Most of us are fine, it is just Alex, Pip and Declan really," Tom pipped up. "Fine, then go straight to bed. You all look like a hyroa got you."
"It did actually, well atleast Alex,"
The class exchanged an amused glance at his gape before nodding and trudging out of the room, leaving Alex, Declan, Pip, Jordan, and Kaiden. "Okay, so-"

"Help." That was all she could manage her side was on fire, and she felt dizzy and nauseous. "Here, drink this" she sipped from the black vial Fletcher pushed up against her mouth, quenching the raging thirst, as she drifted of into star strewn blackness.

Fletcher gently cut away the material of Alex's uniform and gasped. The two other boys came around by his side, (Declan and Pip were now sleeping peacefully) and both swore loudly. The wounds on her back were deep, with flecks of brown amoung the crimson blood, and somehow, it was sizzling? He picked up the Communication Globe on his desk and called the headmaster, Warden Jeera, Hunter, Zain, Roka, Bear and DC. "I am going to need you here now. It's Alex."

Wooooo Hoooooo!!!!! I did it! Second part out! Um, if anyone sees this, feel free to give feedback and suggestions. Im all ears.

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