S2 E1: Ordinary Me

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General POV

Characters: Montana+Cleveland

Date: December 10, 2028

(Play the music on top)

It was a peaceful day in our Multi-Dimensional Earth, the Destroyers were playing with other kids, many older kansen were just waking up, some were having a swim to wake up or relax a little, many ships in harbor were resting idly in the harbor, those that weren't were on patrol or getting ready for patrol work. 2 such ships, are 2 of our 10 main protagonists. Montana and Cleveland, they had become an official couple and they were getting ready for some Siren hunting.

Cleveland: Let's catch a big one Monty!

Montana: Yeah! But how 'bout we spice it ip a bit?

Cleveland: Oh?

Montana: Whoever get's the most kills get's Lynn-Sagne for dinner.

Cleveland: Deal!

The 2 then raced off to find anything Siren related. A few minutes later a small fleet was spotted a few miles from the new base.

Montana: You want the first shot milady?

Cleveland: Oh, you're too kind Monty. FIRE MAIN BATTERY!!!

The duo then start to fight like there's no tomorrow, shells and missiles flew everywhere, firing to the beat of the music. The Siren fleet didn't even know what hit them as one by one they all sank, in total over 70 ships sank that day.........about 40 were Cleveland's kills, the other 30 were Montana's.

Montana: DANG IT!!!

Cleveland: Looks like I'm getting the Lynn-Sagne.

Montana: *sigh* Yeah, you are. Good game, but I'll get my revenge!

A picture then shows Cleveland enjoying her prize, which was a slice of Lasagne, in Lynn's Table while Montana, in the cafeteria, had a regular Pizza. In the next scene we see Montana and Cleveland squaring up for a duel.

Cleveland: Let's spice this one up too.

Montana: Whatcha got in mind?

Cleveland: We can only do melee, and whoever loses has to deal with James and how the soot of our engines is ruining his paint job.

James (The Red Engine): Why was I chosen to move here first?! My paintwork isn't doing so well with all this American coal!

Montana: Deal!

They both drew their swords with a shing and started the battle. The clang of swords echoed, to the beat of the music, throughout the base as the Light Cruiser and the Battleship fought against each other. Whenever they locked blades they smiled lovingly at each other. After a while Cleveland fell thanks to some clever moves on Montana's part.

Montana: So........what does the winner get?

Cleveland: Dang it, forgot about that.

A small picture is then shown with Cleveland trying to live through James's rant about how filthy his paint job had gotten. The next real scene shows the duo getting in bed together.......*pause music* no get your minds out of the gutter, they're just going to be cuddling, that's it! *resume music*

Cleveland: Night Monty.

Montana: Night Cleve. *yawn*

They both then fell asleep in each other's arms.

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