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Jimin's Pov
Driving back home from Taehyung's house. I kinda wanted to stay longer, but we had school the next day. After the somewhat long drive back home, I finally arrived. Entering my house seeing my 6 year old brother watching tv.

Jimin: "Jihyun, what are you doing up?"

Jihyun: "I wasn't able to sleep"

Jimin: "You're not supposed to be watching tv this late Jihyun"

Jihyun: "I know, but I was scared to stay in my room"

Jimin: "Why didn't you go to Minhee's room?"

Jihyun: "Don't you remember she's at a sleep over"

Jimin: "Ahh shoot I forgot so are you saying that you're were home alone the whole time we were gone!"

Jihyun: "No, I was with the maids"

Jimin: "Ok well let's go to your room"

While I was taking Jihyun to his room, he suddenly pulled me to the bathroom.

Jihyun: "I need to use the bathroom, can you please wait by the door"

I chuckled and waited for him to come up out. After a while I heard the sink went on meaning he's done using the bathroom. He finally came out and we headed to his room.

Jimin: "Ok goodnight Jihyun have a great sleep"

I said giving him a kiss on his forehead.

Jihyun: "Goodnight Jimin!"

The Next Morning

Y/N's Pov

I was woken up by my alarm. Seeing Minhee on my bed still sleeping peacefully.

Y/N: "What the heck how could she not wake up from my loud ass alarm"

I said quietly, trying to not wake her up. I got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom and do my morning routine. After finish my morning routine I changed my clothes and went out of the bathroom still seeing Minhee sound asleep.

Y/N: "Aish this girl is such a heavy sleeper"

I said to myself. I went up to her and tried to wake her up. She didn't budge. I then shook her and she finally woke up.

Minhee: "JIMIN STOP"

Y/N: "I'm not Jimin, Minhee"

Minhee: "Sorry Y/N, Jimin always does this every morning"

Y/N: "It's fine, but girl you're a such a heavy sleeper"

I said while laughing. I then left my room and went downstairs to see Taehyung eating breakfast.

Y/N: "Hey Tae"

Taehyung: "Hey Y/N how's your sleepover"

Y/N: "It was fine, by the way did you hear us, were we being to loud?!"

Taehyung: "No you guys weren't loud, but I did hear that you like someone Y/N when I was passing by your room"

I saw Taehyung smirk, but it was true though, we did talk about our crushes.

Flashback To The Sleep Over
Minhee: "Hey, do you like anyone at the moment"

She said knowing the answer already.

Y/N: I do like someone, but I know for sure they don't like me.

I said quietly.

Minhee: "Come on who is it?

Y/N: "I don't want to tell you I'm not ready"

Minhee: "Come on I'm your bestfriend"

Y/N: "Okay fine it's-

To Be Continued

Who's y/n's crush??
Hint: 090197

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