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Y/N Pov

Y/N: "Ok fine it's someone in my dance class"

I said, and she looked at me confused.

Minhee: "Y/N There are so many boys in your dance class"

She said whining and slapping me.

Y/N: "Who said it's a boy"

Minhee's eyes widened, and I started laughing

Y/N: "Heyy, I'm joking"

Minhee: "Oh my gosh Y/N I swear to god if you do that again I'm going to kill you. Y/N I'm serious you need to tell me who you like

Y/N: "Guess"

She then started thinking about the boys in my dance class.

Minhee: "Jimin"


Minhee: "yeah him, why what about him?"

Y/N: "It's not him Minhee, I can't like your brother"

Minhee: "So it's not Jimin, so that means it's Kai"

Y/N: "Are you serious no, I don't even talk to that dude, ok you have one more guess"

I said with an annoyed voice because she knows I hate Kai, but always makes fun about him to me.

Minhee: "So it's not Kai nor Jimin, ok I know who it is now it's JUNGKOOK!"

I nodded and she came shaking me aggressively.


Y/N: "Heyy calm down, Tae can hear us"

End Of Flashback

Y/N: "No, I think your ears are broken or something because we did not mention any of our crushes."

Taehyung: "Y/N are you sure you weren't talking about your crushes"

He said still smirking at me.

Y/N: "I told you already we weren't so stop talking about it, oh yeah wasn't Jimin over yesterday too."

Taehyung: Yeah, well he did leave early though because there was school today.

Minhee then came down stairs.

Y/N: "Hey Minhee"

Taehyung: "Hi Minhee"

We both said at the same time.

Minhee: "Hey my favorite twins"

Taehyung: "I still can't believe we're twins, when we look both look so different"

Y/N: "Because there is something called non-identical twins Tae"

Minhee started laughing

Taehyung: "Okay shut up and eat your breakfast"

After eating breakfast we then cleaned up our mess and went to the car and started heading to school.

When we arrived at school Minhee and I went to our locker's while Taehyung went to his friends. Minhee and I walked together to our locker's because our locker's where next to each other.

Y/N: "What class do you have first"

Minhee: "English"

Y/N: "I have dance"

Minhee: "Oh so your going to see your crush"

She said while smirking.

Y/n: "Minhee stop, I told you don't make it obvious, I don't want anyone knowing okay"

Minhee: "Ok fine, let's just go to class now before we will be late again, see you at recess"

I nodded and we both walked our separate ways.

To Be Continued

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