{6} Plans

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Tw: flirting, obliviousness 💀
Wilbur POV:

Wilbur awoke to the sounds of birds singing from outside his window the next morning.

He looked at the animals outside the van, as per his daily routine, and stood up and began to get ready for the day.

Wilbur had something very important to do today, and he knew there was someone who was waiting for him in the Nation next door.

After a few moments of preparing, Wilbur said his goodbyes to Tommy for the day and headed off towards Las Nevadas.

When he arrived, he was let in by Sam without any question and he made his way upstairs to Quackity's office.

"Goodmorning Q." Wilbur said as he walked inside, closing the door behind him.

"Q?" Quackity glared.

"Oh come on Quackity, you know you like it."

"Ugh whatever, just sit down." Quackity gestured to the chair in front of his desk, and Wilbur did as he was told.

Quackity chuckled to himself before speaking again.

"Right, so I assume your here to talk about Dream?"

"Yes of course. We need to come up with a game plan."

Quackity nodded in agreement and they both pulled out a notepad.

Wilbur looked at Quackity slightly amused before beginning to write something on his page. How to kill Dream. Is what it read.

"Well let's start at the end shall we?" Wilbur spoke.

"The end? Why not the beginning?" Quackity tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"The end is the easiest to figure out. So today we plan how we'll kill him and tomorrow and the days after we plan how to get him where we want him and how to make sure he doesn't escape, and then what date we will kill him." Wilbur said knowingly.

Quackity POV

Quackity looked at Wilbur. However much this man in front of me annoys me he knows what he's talking about.

"Okay then. So what did you have in mind?" Quackity asked.

"Ehh i dunno." Wilbur replied, shrugging his shoulders whilst saying his response.

Quackity's face fell.

"Are you kidding me? This is your idea and you don't even know what you want to do!" Quackity put two hands over his face in frustration and looked down at his desk.

"I can't believe I actually thought you were trying to do something good."

"Quackity why on Earth do you keep trying to find ways to vilify me? Just because I'm without a plan does not automatically make me on Dream's team. I've told you what I think of Dream and I need you to trust me for once." Wilbur said, sitting up slightly in his chair and staring intensely into Quackity's eyes.

"I want to, Wilbur. But I've seen what your capable of." Quackity mumbled.

Wilbur raised his eyebrow and leaned forwards in the chair. "Are you scared of me Quackity?"

"No! Of course not you idiot." Quackity said, rolling his eyes at the accusation.

"Hmm.." is all Wilbur said before he looked back down at his notepad.

"So how does using the axe of peace sound?" Wilbur questioned.

Quackity looked at Wilbur and began to laugh.

"What? What's so funny?" Wilbur started.

"Dream has the axe of peace, Wilbur, or did Tommy not mention that to you during your little heart to heart?"

"Oh." Wilbur said.

"We'll then, I suppose we'll have to get it back?" Wilbur replied.

"Uhm or, we could use a different weapon you absolute maniac." Quackity half yelled, narrowing his eyes at Wilbur's behaviour.

"I know you must be itching for a fight, but that's not worth it. We just need to find a different weapon." Quackity sighed.

"Alright fine, let's just use a netherite sword then, how does that sound?"

"It sounds like a solid plan." Quackity chuckled before standing up and gesturing Wilbur to do the same.

"Now would you happen to have a sword like that, Wilbur?" Quackity questioned as Wilbur stood up as well.

"No, I've only been alive for a couple of months Quackity, plus I'm not really a fan of working."

Quackity just scoffed at Wilbur's response and made his way to the other side of the room, pausing at a tall cupboard which was in the corner of the office.

He pulled a key from his pocket and unlocked the cupboard.

Quackity glanced at Wilbur before opening it and let Wilbur look at its contents for a while before pulling out a tall sword.

"Will this work?" Quackity said, laughing silently at Wilbur's amazed expression.

"It's perfect!" Wilbur said enthusiastically.

"Good!" Quackity tried to match Wilbur's energy.

A few moments passed and Quackity began to become bored.

"Uh so what do we do know? I don't feel like talking about Dream anymore." Quackity asked Wilbur.

Quackity stared at Wilbur as he let go of the sword and placed it on the chair he was sitting on minutes earlier.

Wilbur walked back towards Quackity and spoke in a low voice.

"I have a few idea's..." Wilbur's sentence trailed of as he looked down at Quackity's lips.

"Uhm.. okay well tell me then?" Quackity asked, lowering his own voice to match Wilbur's.

Wilbur chuckled at Quackity's response and stroked his chin with his thumb, lifting Quackity's head and making their eyes lock.

"Want to take a wild guess or should I just show you?" Wilbur breathed out, moving his face closer to Quackity's.
"I-... Uhm.." Quackity stumbled his words as he tried to speak.

"What was that, Quackity?" Wilbur asked, still looking into his eyes as he brought his free hand to the back of Quackity's head and grabbed a part of his hair.

"W-Wilbur.." Quackity looked around the room and faltered his words even more.

Wilbur then let go of Quackity's chin and hair and took a step back.

"Uhm.. I don't know why I did that." Wilbur walked towards the office door and opened it.

"I'll uh- I'll see you tomorrow for more planning, Q." Wilbur spoke softly before leaving the room.

Quackity stood still in the place where Wilbur had left him.

What the fuck-?!

Quackity shook his head and put the sword back in the cupboard and locked it shut again, then he walked towards his desk and sat down, rethinking the events of mere minutes ago.

Hey I hope you enjoyed! Have a lovely day! - btw this book will have a lot of chapters so it's definitely not done!

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