Chapter Three

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I watched as The Hood threw Amelia towards the big wall of muscle he called Mullion. I went to yell at him some more but a look from Amelia stopped me.

"You left me to die that day," The Hood said as he sat down. "You may have broken my body but you've no idea how powerful my mind has become. And now you will suffer, like I suffered, waiting for a rescue that would never come."

I heard Amelia scream something just as Dad yelled, "Wait!" but the screen cut off.

"Scott, status report," Dad demanded.

"CO2 levels are rising," I replied.

"Alright," Dad said, "wire the oxygen scrubber to the emergency batteries. Clean the air."

"How long will that give us?" Virgil asked. We all looked towards John.

"About four hours," he replied.

"We need to get out of here," I said before I tried shoulder charging the door to Thunderbird 3.

"Scott, stop, it's no use," Dad said.

"He's got Amelia, Dad," I shouted, "and who knows what he's going to do to her!"

"Scott's right, Dad," Virgil said, "we don't know what this guy's like."

"He is happy with leaving us here to die," Gordon added.

I felt the pocket of the shorts I was wearing under my IR suit get heavier and remembered the box I left in there. I reached in under my suit and grabbed it out.

"What's that?" John asked.

I opened the box revealing a ring. It was a simple, silver band with three diamonds on it; a purple one, a blue one and a black one, Amelia's three favourite colours. "I was going to propose to her today," I said. "I was going to take her for a picnic on the beach packed with all her favourite food." I sighed at the thought.

"About time, Scotty," Virgil said clapping my shoulder. "I was starting to get tired of her complaining about the fact you hadn't proposed yet."

I chuckled sadly. "Yeah, she has been hinting about it."

"Like that time when we were watching that In My Sleep movie," Gordon laughed, "and she said she was going to marry the main actor because, and I quote, 'a certain someone hadn't proposed yet'."

I smiled remembering it. "She's said that line so often."

"I remember when you told us you guys had started dating," John said. "I was so jealous, she was the hottest girl in school."

"I reckon," Virgil added. "You're a lucky man, Scotty boy."

"I was a lucky man," I mumbled as I glanced at the now shattered picture of Amelia, John, Virgil, Gordon, Alan and me that was on the floor of Thunderbird 5. Amelia had given him the picture for Christmas the year before. We had an identical one on our bedroom wall.

"Let's not give up hope," Dad told us.


"No sign of them," Transom said as she skipped through the islands security cameras looking for Tin-Tin, Alan and Fermat.

"Of course not," Mullion said as he stomped in, "the little brats went up like firecrackers, pop, pop, pop." He started laughing heartily.

"You asshole!" I screamed as Brains charged at him but The Hood used his powers to stop him.

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