Chapter 17: Memories

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Angela's POV

I hurried across the hallway in the ICU unit after hearing the news from the other hospital. Everyday I pass through these rooms anxiously, hoping that the patients lying inside can finally recover and get back on track in their lives. My worry only grew after my daughter became one of them.

I opened the door of the last room along the hallway, and I see the most important person in my life, my daughter, my Hana. One of my acquaintances, Dr. Phelps was standing beside her, giving her a daily check-up.

He saw me come in and stated. "If you're wondering, she's doing alright." He continued as he walked towards me. "I know you're worried, but you understand why you cannot come in here. You're not Hana's designated doctor."

Stay calm, Angela. You know this is the appropriate arrangement. Our head specifically said this is to avoid 'mistakes related to emotionally-driven behaviors'.

"I know, but I really want to be with my daughter, can you give us a minute?"

Dr Phelps sighed. "Dr. Ziegler, I have huge respect for you and your work, and I also believe in your professionalism. Don't make me regret this."

"Of course."

He walked around me and closed the door after he went out.

I walked slowly towards Hana. It truly hurts me to see her lying on the hospital bed, to not see the bright smile she always wore on her face, and to not hear the lively voice of hers. Tears started to form as I sat beside her, running my fingers through her hair.

Stay strong Angela, for Hana.

"Hana, sweetie. How are you?"

My voice tore the silence in the room.

"I know you won't blame them for what happened, but they do."

I'm not even sure if she can understand me. In most cases, people in comas can perceive sound but not all of them can process it.

"Your friends, Lena and Lucio, even Brigitte, they're worried sick." I'm worried sick.

"You know, they apologised to me a lot of times. They said they're supposed to protect you, whatever that meant." I'm supposed to look after you.

What kind of mother am I? I can't even care for you as a doctor.

I reached my hand out and cupped her cheek softly.

"I don't know if you can hear me, Hana, but know this. Everyone's waiting for you to come back. They need you."

I hesitated.

"E-even Olivia." A sudden beep echoed through the room.

Huh? What was that?

I stayed quiet for a while. Perhaps I misheard.

I went on. "The other Hospital called moments ago. They said Olivia woke." Another beep.

Okay, I certainly did not hear that wrong.

I got up and examined the readings on the monitors. Her heart rate increased. That's... interesting.

Wait, is she responding to my words? I leaned towards the monitor...

Knock knock, I jumped as I hear someone outside the door. "Come in." I said, trying to act as natural as possible.

"Dr. Ziegler, room 524 requires your presence." A nurse spoke as she opened the door.

What a bad timing. "Of course, I'll come right away." I headed towards the door but I was still very intruded by what just happened. I couldn't keep my eyes off Hana and the monitors until the door closed.



Amélie's POV

I made my way to Olivia's room as quick as possible following the nurse. Reyes hurried across the hallway beside me. It's almost the end of the visiting time slot so we have very little time to speak with her.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier, Reyes, because of you we don't have much time to talk to Olivia." I glared at him as hard as I could. Out of all people, he should know how much I value Olivia.

"Sorry, I had some issues to attend to." He spoke as we approached the hospital room.

"Yeah right. Those 'issues' being more important than my friend." I rolled my eyes and the nurse knocked on the door.

The door opened and there she is, my dearest friend, sitting up, wide awake. Yet her gaze seemed a bit unfamiliar.

We walked in slowly, not wanting to startle her. I sat down on the chair beside the bed while Reyes stood behind me. The nurses went outside, giving us some space. After the door closed, Olivia eyed us from head to toe.

I finally decided to break the silence.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I reached for her hand but she retreated. That hurt.

"Olivia, is that how you treat your dearest friend?" Reyes spoke with a smile, attempting to lighten up the mood. Normally I hate when he does that, acting kind is not really his thing, but now, I appreciate his effort.

Olivia raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Oye are you two playing with me? When did the two of you become so... sentimental?"


Reyes chuckled "You can say the same thing for yourself, my dear student. You became a mushy Mexican first."

"Me?" Olivia fake-laughed as she fake-wiped a tear off her eyes. "Since when?"

"Since we went to Overwatch! People in that school can really change you." I responded. "But not necessarily for the better. Some of them are just two-faced frauds." Memories of a certain British girl flooded my mind.


No, stop. Stop thinking about her. She's not who you think she is.

"Overwatch? Our rival school? What do you mean 'went'? I wouldn't even set foot there." Olivia questioned.

"What are you talking about? Don't you remember? I personally selected you to join the exchange program." Reyes widened his eyes as he spoke.

Olivia just shrugged. "Nope, not falling for it. Did you two lose a bet to Akande? So you have to do this silly little prank on me?" She eyed her surroundings. "How did I even get here anyway?"


I put my hand on her shoulder, "Olivia," I gulped, "what was the last thing you remember?"

"Um, that we just started our Summer break?" She answered.


"Do you know who Hana Song is?"

"Um, no? That sounds like a Japanese name though. I've always wanted to know a Japanese chica."

No, this can't be.

Olivia, she... lost her memories of the past few months.

Hi? I'm... back? I'm really sorry to you all. I have been caught up with my college stuff so updating this story is not my first priority. Luckily, I'm having a long break now so I will have more time to continue or even finish the story:) I am grateful to this story's supporters, if y'all still here, and I will try to update more consistently.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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