Chapter 2 : School Tour

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Hana's POV

Today was as usual, boring classes, boring teachers, blah blah blah. The only thing that didn't make me daydream my way out of class was Lena making fun of Winston during science class. Winston is a big guy with a thick black beard and sideburns beside his face. He wears one of those old-school glasses and Lena always mocks him for it. She says he looks like a gorilla who picked those glasses up back in the primitive ages. Winston didn't care much since he and Lena have some sorta special relationship. Sombra did join the mocking and the class had a great laugh. I didn't hear what she said though as I was thinking about tonight's streaming. Speaking of Sombra, she sat beside me every single lesson! I thought it was some "buddy's rule" set by Mr.Morrison, but it turns out it isn't. I'm ok with that as I'm not paying attention in class anyway.

It took like forever to reach lunch break! Lena and I sat down in the cafeteria with Amélie and Sombra after grabbing our food. Trying to be nice, I spoke. First. "So, Amélie, right? What do you think of Overwatch High? Any different from Talon?" Amélie smiled and when she's about to say something Sombra interrupted. "Oye, chica, why don't you ask me? I'm your buddy not Amélie." She crossed her arms acting like she's mad. Lena can't hold herself and butt in "Awww, Hana you're making your girl mad. That's not how we make people feel welcomed here in Overwatch." "What? I wasnt... she isnt my gi-" "Don't say so Lena I'm sure Sombra won't be mad. After all, couples do fight, no?" Amélie smirked. I can't believe it! Even Amélie!? I thought only Sombra is a shameless Talon. I can clearly see Sombra trying so hard to hide her laugh even she turned her back against me. I said I don't like mean people and that's exactly what Sombra is! Who would do things like this on the first day with people you just met!

I think Sombra noticed as she turned around and faced me. "Relajate, I was just joking, Hana. Stop being so innocent, oh wait that's not the right word. Ah, stop being so dum!" She laughed. "Ok, Hana I'll answer your questions now. It's actually pretty much the same, Talon is just darker and smaller. You know, the environment, most of the campus are in black, or in grey, you know what I mean?" Amélie said. "Thank you! Good to know!" I snapped. I didn't mean to be rude but I was a bit pissed to be honest. "Speaking of that, I'm actually looking forward to the tour after school. Overwatch High is a huge place compared to Talon. Everything's like the opposite of Talon's." Sombra said looking around the cafeteria as Lena spoke "Great! Glad you're interested. Amélie here doesn't seem to care, acting like she's too cool to be interested." Hearing that, Amélie suddenly got real close to Lena, like their faces were one inch apart that they're about to kiss. I saw Amélie's mouth moved and said something but I couldn't hear it clearly. But those words made Lena turned bright red and speechless. Wow, Lena's speechless that's a new. Amélie backed off and continue her meal. I guess I found Lena's kryptonite. Anyway, we then finished our lunch and got back to class. Another 3 hours before I can see my dear computer again. Wait, including the tour, that's 4 hours. Ughhh!

Sombra's POV

Well, it seems that Amélie has gotten her pray already, if only I can get mine that quick. The lessons here were exactly as boring as that of Talon's. That's actually expected. I just want time to go faster and I can have a nice walk with Hana through the campus. Hold on, what? I mean I just want to have nice walk through here. Yeah, that's what I meant. Anyway, time passed by and we six are at the school entrance waiting for that Morrison. And there he comes.

"Hello again my fellow Overwatch and Talon students. Fortunately, all of you are punctual and that's something to cheer for. I am very sorry that I can't take you all through the school now, since I've got matters to attend to. I'll leave you at Mrs.Amari's hands now. Please behave." After that he left and an old lady walked towards us. "Good afternoon, I am Ana Amari, vice principal of this school. I'll be leading the tour for you." She looked cool for an old lady. She has light grey hair and there's a tattoo under her left eye and a patch on her right. I guess she had an accident? Meh, I don't care. She seemed nice anyway. She signalled us and we followed. Along the way she would speak about the school's architecture and stuffs. I still don't care, I just wanna have a walk here. It felt rather satisfying.

"Hey, wanna see something cool?" Hana poked me and asked. "Oh, that's cliche Hana. If you wanna flirt you have to do better than that." I joked. She pouted with a stare. Damn that's cute. "Nah, just messing with ya. Lead the way." I added. She immediately smiled back "Ok, when we're at the library, we're outta this boring tour. Wait for my signal!" Hana said that with a slight giggle as if she's excited for this spy-like activity. How can anyone be so innocent and naive? She's a senior but she acts like a child. Not in a bad way though. It's just that she'll be easily hurt, mentally, if she doesn't grow up or have someone there to protect her. Such a sweet girl... "Sombra!? You ok?" I got dragged back to reality by Hana. "Wha- Oh! Yeah, just deep in thoughts."

We walked through a lot of places, the hall, the garden, some labs, and a whole lot of classrooms. I have to admit Overwatch really looks better than Talon. Everything's brighter and full of life. I may look dark as a person but I'm not. Finally we arrived at the entrance the library but Ana didn't stop and introduce it to us "Now this is the school library I doubt any of you would be interested. So I don't bother to tell you anything. Still, feel free to go in and read whenever you li-" At the corner of my eyes, I saw Hana tiptoed into the library. Before she entered, she popped her head out and winked at me. I guess that's the signal. I started to walk in a slower pace so that I can fall behind the group. With enough distance from the group I turned back and ran into the library.

I opened the door and stepped inside the library. It's huge, like enormously gigantic! I was looking around admiring the architecture of the room and someone pulled me by the waist. "Hey! Wh-" I turned around and Hana was there putting her finger in front of her mouth "Shush! We don't hope to get caught do we?" "Point made" I put my hands to cover my mouth and nodded. Hana laughed at my gesture and told me to follow her.

She led me towards a corner of the library where literally if she didn't lead me here I wouldn't notice. She scrolled through the books and stop on a thin one. She pulled it out and smiled at me. "Now Sombra promise me you wouldn't tell anyone about this place. I'm telling you because we're gonna spend a year together and I want you to know where to find me if I'm not around. Understood?" "Awww chica we're gonna be best friends aren't we? Sharing our own room together." I smirked. I thought Hana's gonna overreact again but surprisingly she didn't. "Well, Sombra I'm always open towards meeting new friends. I'm trying to be nice so stop flirting I'm not buying it. Let me ask again, am I understood?" I pulled out a serious look and nodded. After seeing my nod she slipped his finger into that little gap and that's when I realize her fingers are beautiful. Not those dirty thoughts but the shape and curve of her hand seems so perfect. She pressed onto something and the floor opened up and a staircase appeared.

The staircase is deep and long under us. There was no light or whatever to show us the way. "Shit." Hana grinned "I forgot my torch back home. I didn't think I'd be going here until you Talons showed up." I look at her and she seemed disappointed. "Oye, I happened to have something to light up our way." I grabbed my gloves from my backpack. I kept my serious look and said "Hana, this time I want you to keep a promise. What you see next cannot be known by anyone else. Deal?" Hana looked excited and nodded.

I took her hand and walked down the stairs. She tightened her grip as we go deeper and deeper. "Sombra, what are you doing? It's dark in here and when we walk deeper the door above us is go-" A large bang scared Hana as the door above us closed and left us in pitch black. I laughed as I hold up my hand and a bright purple and blue light shined from my glove. "You can let go of me now, mi amor." Hana was holding onto my arm so tight with her eyes closed. She opened her eyes and back off shyly. "S- So this is what I promised? For not telling anyone your glowing gloves?"

"Oh it's much more than that, I may show you more later. For now, Hana Song, I'll be your light, lead the way." I said sounding like a knight in a shining armour. Hana blushed "Come on my knight..."

"The tour has just begun!"

Here is the second chapter!! I hope you all like it! I'm still learning to write better tho. I know the story may seem going a little slow, I'll try to pick up the pace on the following chapters. I have a LOT of ideas in my head, just wait and see. I can't wait show you my Sombva fantasies:))) Adíos!

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