Ryeji - The Speeder

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It was a bright, sunny day, and Ryujin was enjoying the wind in her blonde hair as she flew down the highway in her bright red convertible, top down of course. Blatantly ignoring the posted speed limit, Ryujin let out a yell as she went past 90 MPH, her tube top clinging to her curves. However, her elation was not to last long, because the bubbly blonde soon noticed flashing red and blue lights in her rearview mirror.

"Fuck," Ryujin groaned as she reluctantly pulled over. Getting pulled over was exactly what Ryujin didn't need! Just a few miles down the road, she had a boy toy waiting for her, and it had been weeks since Ryujin had had a good, hard cock inside of her. Any more waiting was going to be a nightmare for the blonde.

The sun was behind Ryujin, and its glare was preventing her from seeing what the cop car was doing behind her. Ryujin heard a door open and close, and the heavy, slow, deliberate footsteps of a police officer's boots as the cop walked up to her car.

"Do you know how fast you were going?"

Ryujin looked to her left, slightly taken aback by what she saw. This cop was not your ordinary cop, not by a long shot! For starters, she was an absolute bombshell! Her long brown hair was held back in a ponytail, her heaving breasts bulging out slightly in her uniform, its rigidness unable to contain all of her curves. This policewoman wore mirror shades, and her badge said "HWANG." This wasn't your typical lady cop, that's for sure!

"I'm so sorry, officer...officer Hwang!" Ryujin apologized. "I just lost track of how fast I was going! Is there anything I can do to get out of this?"

Officer Hwang stared at Ryujin for a moment, before taking a step back. "All right miss, let's get out of the car."

Ryujin complied, turning her back to the officer, leaning over as she closed the door, giving Officer Hwang a good look at Ryujin's plump ass.

"I believe you may be concealing a dangerous weapon, so hands on the hood please," Officer Hwang said, her tone very formal.

The policewoman began patting Ryujin down. "You don't appear to have anything dangerous on your person," Officer Hwang said after a quick pat-down, "but to be safe, I'm going to have to perform a more thorough search."

As Ryujin stood there, her hands on the hood of her car, her back to Officer Hwang, the policewoman reached around Ryujin and grabbed her considerable breasts, causing Ryujin to gasp.

"Officer Hwang!" Ryujin said in indignation, recoiling as the lady cop fondled her ample breasts. "Is this really necessary?"

"Oh, very," Officer Hwang replied. "I have personally seen women conceal weapons in their cleavage, and with your ample breasts, a thorough search is necessary."

Officer Hwang yanked down Ryujin's tube top, much to the blonde's surprise, the lady cop now vigorously going at her breasts, kneading them, teasing Ryujin's nipples. Ryujin wasn't one to get down with chicks, but this cop knew just where to fondle her, and soon her juices began flowing. (wow ryu straight era)

"Well, your chest seems to check out," Officer Hwang said, removing her hands from Ryujin's breasts, much to the blonde's disappointment. "There's just one more place I have to check."

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