Ryujin × Karina - A Day Off

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Ship Request by: srj417


It was a morning like any other morning. Ryujin, my girlfriend, got up a little earlier than I did. She always does. And just as she did every morning, she gave me a kiss and started her day. She walked into the bathroom and I heard the shower start. I got up and put some coffee on, then walked back to the bedroom and picked out what I'd be wearing for the day. The shower stopped, the bathroom door opened, and she walked over to the closet where I was still deciding between a blue and green blouse wear with my suit.

When she walked in, I turned to look at her and was instantly struck by her. In her silk robe with her smooth skin still dewy from the steam of the shower, she was the sexiest woman I'd ever seen. I could look at her forever and never get tired of it.

Like I said, this was a typical morning. This was our routine. But this morning I couldn't help but be awed by her. I couldn't help but pull her to me, and couldn't help but kiss her.

I could tell she was surprised by my sudden outburst of affection, since it was always her who does that to me. When I left her lips and trailed kisses down her neck, I could hear giggles as I pressed her to the wall of our closet. When I finally paused to look at her, the smile on her face was gorgeous.

"What was that for?" Ryujin asked, her deep voice coming out breathy from our little session.

"For being the sexiest woman alive," I said, and meant it.

She blushed a bit at that, which was a rare occurrence, but it was true. She was breathtaking. I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me to the bed, kissing her the whole way over.

We reached the bed and I tried to push her onto it, but she wouldn't let me.

"Baby," She said between kisses, "Jiminnie, we've got to get to work. You're gonna make us late."

I moaned my disapproval. I wanted her then and there.

"Noooo, we can call in. Please baby, I've got to have you." I said, pulling at the belt of her robe, trying to get at the skin underneath. I've always been needy for her.

I managed to get the robe open and ran my nails down her sides and my tongue over her collarbone. I was rewarded with a low moan from deep in her throat. As I fondled and stroked, she began to breathe a little more heavily, and her body sank into me.

I thought I'd almost convinced her to spend the day lounging with me, so I tried pushing her onto the bed again. But she raised another protest.

"I...c-can't baby," Ryujin said. But I grinned at her feeble refusal. When she stutters like that, I know she's mine. I just needed to be a little more patient.

It was time to seal the deal. I ran my tongue over her earlobe, a definite hotspot for her, and whispered, "But baby, I want you so bad. I need you baby," before taking the lobe into my mouth.

When I felt her shudder, I knew she'd be putty in my hands. I kissed her ear and felt her lean into me. She let out a small whimper then softened even more in my arms. I smiled as I slipped my hands under her robe and slid it off her shoulders and onto the floor. I tried again to push her onto the bed. This time, she lay back willingly. As I looked down at her lying beneath me, I asked myself how I'd gotten such a wonderful woman to call herself mine. She smiled up at me as I pushed her hair out of her face.

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