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Santana Pov

What the hell is her problem, I thought after hearing her slam her bedroom door. To say that I'm falling for her would be an understatement. These feelings were strong. I don't know if it's too soon, but Im in love. Yes, I am in love with Nieyell Reese. I just remembered that our wedding is in 2 months time. I don't think I can marry her just to be apart of a year long contract anymore. I want to marry her because I love her. I also don't plan on letting her go anytime soon. After last night, she's officially mine.

Walking to her room, I went to open the door. An uneasy feeling settled throughout me when it didn't open. Why is the door locked? "Nieyell?" I called. She didn't answer. That resulted to me knocking on her door until she opened it. Call me annoying, I don't care. I feel more lonely than ever without her being in my arms like last night.

Five minutes of me knocking had went by when she finally decided to open the door. She looked really cute wearing some women boxers and a sports bra. "If I didn't answer the door when you called me, then what the hell possessed you to knock for five fucking minutes? Anyways, what do you want?" she groggily stated. Taking aback by her outburst, I assumed it was because she was sleeping and I must've woken her up.

"I came to see what you were doing. I-I've missed you," I quickly rushed the last part. Why am I blushing and feeling nervous around her. Not to mention the stuttering, what the hell was that? "Well that's too damn bad. I'm pretty sure your gorgeous, and rude ass bitch you're fucking has missed your ass. Do you know how rude and disgusting it is to have sex with me one day and then go to her for sex the next? Then she try's to, keyword "try's" to shit talk me. I would've whooped her ass, but I didn't want to start any problems or ruin a happy relationship because of something we both did. She can have you. I don't want anything to do with you. Once this contract ends, we'll go our separate ways," she said before she shut the door.

Standing there shocked, I couldn't help but wonder what the hell was she talking about. Who did I have sex with ? I haven't fucked anybody since we moved into this place together. I knew I had liked her, therefore, I didn't plan on seeing anyone else or Emily. Emily. That's it! She fed Nieyell some bullshit lie because I cut her off. Really ? Now Nieyell doesn't want anything to do with me. Walking back to her room, I banged on the door. Emily wasn't going to get in the way of me and Nieyell's relationship.

Even if that means taking poor Emily off the map for good.

"What do you want," she asked swinging the door open. "Baby whatever she told you was a lie. She was just a fling I would use to fuck. We were never serious. The day we moved in together, I cut off every hoe I had because I knew that you was the one. You were going to change me, and you actually changed me. Emily lied, I haven't fucked her in 2 months. We've been living together for 2 months. Are you going to give up on us just like that? Because of a lie? What we did last night was more than just sex. In the many rounds we went, I kept trying to hide the emotions I was feeling. I thought it was just lust. After each round, I felt the same thing. Love. We have this strong connection and I don't plan on letting you go anytime soon," I said.

I meant what I said. I didn't plan on letting her go. Even if that meant chaining her to a bed and hiding her from the world while I helped search for her "missing" body.

Nieyell Pov

I'm not gullible, but she did end up being the girl that he had a thing for. After his rant, I shut my door and let the information he just told me sink in. He loved me? Did he really just fall in love with me in 2 months. We don't even know each other well. How did that even happen.

Did I feel the same thing ? Not being in his presence made me feel a little lonely. I just want to cuddle with him and watch P-Valley and Power, but my pride won't let me. What if I actually did love him. Fuck it. I'm just going to go in his room and see if he wanted to watch a movie.

Knocking on his door, I waited for an answer. He finally open up the door. To my surprise, it looked like he had been crying? His eyes were faint red and puffy and his face was red. Noooo. He probably has allergies. I guess I'll change up the movie suggestions. "Care to watch The Conjuring with me?" I asked him. Gosh, this man always look fine. He could get ran over by a bull, fall face forward in shit, and break a leg and he would still look stunning.

"Sure. Want to go downstairs and get something to eat ?" he asked. Nodding, I led the way down the stairs. I felt his heated gaze on my ass the whole way down. I was wearing a bra and some ethikas. He had changed into some black sweats, a gold chain around his neck, and no shirt. "Chips, cookies, drinks, and popcorn?" I questioned. With a nod, we started grabbing the things and heading upstairs. I went to open my room but he shook his head no and walked up to the master bedroom that no one sleeps in.

"Why here?" I asked. "Don't want to make a mess on your bed. Plus everything in here is bigger," he shrugged. Grabbing a towel, we sat everything out on the bed. I put the movie on and snuggled next to him. The Conjuring can be scary in my opinion. Surprisingly, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

I watched this movie a million times and I always feel scared. Thank god Tana was here. The room is big as fuck and the Tv was loud. I would've had a heart attack if I was in here by myself.

We hugged and cuddled during the movie. Being in his arms and in this cold ass room was a vibe. I wished we could stay like this forever.

While laying on him, I felt something poke me. This man really had a boner. Me being me, I started moving on him to get "comfortable." Raising my right leg while turning to the left side and laying on him made him groan. I looked up to see him looking at me with lustful eyes.

Slowly running my hands down his body, I got to his dick. I slipped my hands in his pants and started rubbing it up and down, making him groan. Somehow, he flipped us over and started kissing me. Stopping him, we removed the food from the bed and the rest of that night was history.

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