Chapter 1 : The Start Of It All

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- Chris' POV -
Me and my squad, which consisted of Y/N Williams, Finn McCauley,Carl Alfonso, Piers Nivans and Ben Airhart, were dispatched to an East European country called Edonia. There was a new BOW species called J'avo in the area. They were given to The Rebels group in the middle of a civil war by A Company called Neo Umbrella.

I was sat in the back of an armoured truck as we were driving towards our destination.
"Enemy fire!" I heard Piers shout from the front. The driver continued until we were hit with a shell of some sort which flipped the car. Me, Y/N, Piers and the driver all fell to the ceiling.
"OW, What the fuck man." I heard Y/N say as she landed on the roof.
"Are you okay, Y/N?" I asked as I started to crawl out of the flipped car. She replied with a small yes. We all ran for cover. Y/N peaked around the side, only to met by machine gun shots. One scraped past her face, making her face bleed a little bit.
"Alright, A machine gunner and several infantry J'avo." She said,"I can take out the machine gunner, just cover me." She then proceeded to pull out a silent Sniper Rifle. I shot at the J'avo that got anywhere near us.
"Got it!" Y/N said after getting the machine gunner.
"Guess that's our cue to charge in." Piers said. We charged in until we made it to a bridge that blocked our path.
"Guess our only way is up." I said, pointing over to some stairs to our left. As we ascended, we had to fight some more J'avo. I saw a door on the other side of the bridge that was all wonky and bent.
"Piers, Help me with his!" I gestured over to the door. We kicked it down. Just as we were about to enter, we heard loud crashing noises.
"Guys, Guys, Guys!" I heard
Y/N say and she pointed over to a spot in between buildings where a giant hand appeared. A head appeared. It was freaky, with four super sharp and big teeth. It then broke free from soemthing that was holding it from the behind. I looked to the right and saw the fear in Y/N's face. The Giant Thing then started to make its way towards us on the bridge.
"Oh Hell no." I heard Y/N say. She then took lead and jumped from the bridge and began to run. Me and Piers followed, obviously not wanting to get hurt. We followed Y/N who ran up some stairs into a building. She stopped and started to breathe heavily from the running. I walked up to her.
"Are you okay, Y/N?" I said, patting her back. She stood up, nodding.
"I'm just a bit unfit that's all." She said, smiling. However I could see her shaking a bit. I don't blame her. Poor girl. She's never seen anything this bad in her life. I pressed a hand onto my ear.
"This is Chris Redfield. There is a giant BOW blocking our path. Finn, We need you to shoot it using the ACP." I said.
"I'll get there as quick as I can, Captain." I heard Finn say from the other end. I felt Y/N push me out of the way as Piers jumped the Opposite. The BOW had smashed through the wall while I was stuck in my own thoughts.
"Are you okay, Captain?!" Y/N said, worried that I had been hurt. I nodded sitting up.
"I think that pulsing thing on it's back is it's weak point." She said to me then she turned to where Piers dodged out of the way.
"Piers! Use your Anti-Material Rifle and shoot the pulsating thing on its back!" She shouted before dodging another swing from the BOW. Piers obliged and shot the thing with his rifle. The Giant BOW then screamed and fell to the ground on one knee. I saw Y/N run towards it and jump on it's back. She pulled out one of its spikes and stabbed the pulsating thing with it before jumping off the BOW's back. Luckily Finn managed to get here in time and shot the BOW. This caused it to start to run away. Me and Piers jumped from the building to go and check on Y/N. She was sat down, breathing heavily.
"Gosh I'm so unfit for this." She said as she saw us. Although I knew that she was scared.

-Y/N's POV -
I jumped from the BOW's back. Luckily, Finn managed to get here on time so I didn't have to do anymore work. I proceeded to sit down and lay my gun on my lap. What was that. I can't believe it. I cannot show my fear. I joined the BSAA to avenge my family. I then put my head in my hands and let out a breath that I didn't realise I was holding. I then started to breathe heavily as I looked at my shaking hands. I heard footsteps to my right. I put my hands behind me as if I was put of breath instead of scared. It was Chris and Piers.
"Gosh, I am too unfit for this." I said, with a little chuckle, "If we get back, then I'll definitely have to exercise with you Chris." I smiled at Piers as he helped me up.
"Nice one Finn!" I said, putting a thumbs up. I saw him put his thumbs up back through the top. I started to walk behind the APC as Finn drove ahead.
- Time skip to the fence Finn blows up because there's just too much fighting -

"Hey Finn, Come blow this fence up!" I shouted.
"Give me a second!" I heard a reply. Once he made it to the fence, I stood behind and waited for him to blow it up.
BOOM. That was our cue to charge straight in. I ran in first, jumping down. I aimed my gun in every direction before signalling that it was safe.
" The Train cart is blocking our path, Can you blow it up Finn?!" I shouted as we heard loud booms and gunshots. He nodded to me and ran straight towards the cart.
"Just keep me covered and I can do it in a few!" He shouted back. Our whole squad tries our hardest to protect Finn. A bullet scraped my arm and I hissed in pain.
"Alright everybody!!! The charges are set, Take cover!" Finn shouted to us. We all took cover as it blew. The cart was launched into the air and landed on an angle. We all hastely ran underneath with me diving in at the last moment.
"Phew, I wasn't looking to be blown up by the rocket launchers," I said, wiping sweat off of my forehead. I earned a chuckle from the team. We then proceeded to advance to city Hall.
"HQ to alpha. City Hall is past the Bridge, aid Bravo and advance."
"Alpha to HQ, What's the status report? Are there any injuries?" I heard Chris say.
"HQ to Alpha, One man behind a train cart. Wounded, cannot move. Get him out of there."
"Copy, We've got it." Chris said. We walked down some stairs and scouted out the bridge.
"All Snipers! Form on my mark!" We heard a soldier to our left say. I walked over to the gap and looked at the jump. I shouted for Chris and Piers to come over.
"Chris, Help me get over." I said getting ready to jump. He got into position and I ran towards him. I stepped onto his palms and jumped while he pushed my foot up. I landed with a roll and waited for Piers to get launched over.
Me, Piers and that soldier made our way through the building. We shot any J'avo that got in our way. Me and Piers made our way up some stairs, which gave us a good view of The Bridge from the side. I pulled out my sniper rifle and scoped in on the tank. I managed to see a fuel tank behind it. I shot it and it blew up the tank.
- Time skip again because there's just too much fighting. -

"Finn! Wait till the Cart come as close as it can get, then blow it up!" Chris shouted, over all the gunshots. Thankfully, Finn pressed the button right on time. I walked up to him and patted him on the back.
"Well done!" I said, smiling. The others started walking away. Me and Finn followed.

We were walking down a road, keeping an eye out for any hostiles.
"Sherry Birkin, National security." I heard a young voice say.
"Woah Woah, What is a young one like you doing in this war?" I said, walking towards her along with Chris and Piers.
"I'm actually 26 years old. What about you, Old Woman?" She said.
"Surprise Surprise, I'm 37."I said, scoffing at her attitude.
- (Sorry I made you old) -
"Sherry Birkin. You were in the Raccoon City incident. "Chris said, appearing next to me.
"How's you know that?" Sherry Said, a bit taken back. I sighed.
"He knows from Claire." I said.
"Wait so that means, Your Chris?" She asked, looking at Chris. Chris nodded.
"Captain, He's a wanted Mercenary." Piers said to Chris.
"That's right, He is a Mercenary but he is no threat to the Bsaa right now." Sherry Said.
"Unless someone pays me to be." The guy said.
"What did you say." I heard Piers growl.
"Jake!" Sherry raised her voice warningly. I looked over to Chris who had his brows furrowed.
"What?" Jake stood up menacingly. I stood infront of Piers, protectively.
"Nothing." I said. I walked over to Chris, facing away from Sherry and this guy, Jake.
"You thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked him quietly as he nodded.
- Flashback -
Several years ago, Me and Chris had gone to Africa to stop bioterrorism there. There was a virus called Oroboros.
On our journey stopping Oroboros, we encountered several massive beasts. We had encountered Albert Wesker, our former S.T.A.R.S Captain. It had hurt to see him, however we also met another old comrade there. Jill Valentine. Wesker had stuck her with some mind control bot. Me, Chris and A new partner, Sheva Alomar, had to remove it to get answers. However it wasn't easy. After doing that, we ended up fighting some massive Uroboros monster, which was originally a helper from Terrasave that helped Wesker. Then we ended up going against Wesker in the end. It was upsetting to let Wesker go. After all, he was our Captain.
- Back to the Present. -
"He looks exactly like him." Chris said back to me quietly.
Alpha team including Chris, Piers and I had a call from HQ all of a sudden.
"HQ to Alpha, We are unable to land due to anti aircraft artillery."
"Alpha Copy, We're on it." Chris said.
"Alpha, We're picking up huge readings coming right your way, get out of there!" We looked up into the air. We saw a helicopter carrying something....

Unless of course you've played Chris' Campaign but Have a wonderful day or night.

Buh Bye <3

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