Chapter six: Home, school and fighting

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Shoto's PoV:

When I got home father wasn't there as he had a hero conference in Tokyo for a bit over a week. When the beginning of school had gotten closer I had to ask him for a lot of things and because of his inexistent patience he got tired soon and gave me his credit card. It wasn't as if I could use it to buy random things since he could see what I spent the money on. But a phone could be considered an essential so I'm getting one this afternoon.

Endeavor isn't home right now so for the first time in a very long time I am willingly spending time in the living room. I had been sitting on the couch for a bit over an hour trying to figure out the phone and adding the songs Tokoyami-san recommended to me this morning to a playlist when a white haired teen entered the room. I was vaguely aware of her being my sister but I had never talked to her, I didn't even know her name.

"Hi, I'm Shoto" I might as well introduce myself. "I know" she seems nervous and a bit freaked out but I really want to know her name, so I ask her "I know you are my sister, what is your name?". She seems to be having trouble understanding what I asked her but she finally answers "Fuyumi'' looking shocked. Good, I already know her name so I can go back to trying to understand the phone.

The next day came faster than ever and the first thing I did was give Sato-san my phone number so he could add me to the group. It was time for the hero basic training class and we didn't know who our teacher would be. I was shifting between surprised and shocked when All-Might arrived "Coming through the door like a hero". He was the man I was made to surpass, the reason I got all that training. Before this moment I thought I would hate him upon sight, but I didn't. I still didn't particularly like the hero, how could I when I had heard his name so many times when father beat me up? but I didn't dislike him either.

We got our hero suits and went to change. Everyone was so distracted by the nobility that I was once again able to change without issue. I was happy to observe that my friends had chosen utilitarian over flashy just like me. We were then explained we would be doing a battle trial 2 vs 2 on randomized teams. I was partnered up with Shoji-san and we were against Ojiro-san and the invisible girl, Hagakure-san. I really didn't want to hurt my newfound friend so I asked Shoji-san where exactly they were located and froze the entire building. It might have been a bit of an overkill but they were fine in the end if not a little cold.

I didn't know either Tokoyami-san's partner or who he was against but I was happy he won. He did place 5th on the quirk apprehension test so he was strong. The last battle was Sato-san and Koda-san partnered up against the loud pink girl and a blonde wearing armor. They lost but didn't seem bothered by it as it was the first time they fought, not including the entrance exams.

At lunch I apologized to Ojiro-san for freezing him, his answer was unexpected. "No worries man, it was awesome" he said with a small smile. The rest of the day was yet again normal classes of stuff I learned when I was seven but I still prefer it to be home. During the week we fell into a comfortable routine where we would stick as a group and try to stay aside from the trouble some of the other students, who Aizawa-sensei dubbed problem-children, caused.

It was Thursday and we were going on a field trip to USJ where we would receive special training from three teachers. When we got there Thirteen was waiting for us and the third teacher was nowhere to be seen. Before we could begin the exercise villains arrived and we were split by the misty portal to different areas. I was teleported to the landslide zone which was filled with villains, but I was not worried as they looked more like thugs than actual villains. I was about to freeze everything around me when I noticed a familiar heat signature close by. I avoided it, but Hagakure-san really needs to be more careful.

I didn't know where any of my friends were so I went to the entrance hoping the others would have the same idea. I reached the central plaza with little issues and found All-Might fighting a big black bird with its brain exposed. Due to the portal-man's interference he was losing so I decided to intervene as well to tilt the balance to his favor by freezing the bird. In the end All-might won but Aizawa-sensei and the green boy needed to get hospitalized for their injuries.

The police and the heroes had arrived and we were all together, excluding the injured ones. Thankfully no one had died and all my friends were fine if not a little shaken up by the attack. The police officer called our legal guardians for them to pick us up. It was no surprise that my father wouldn't even answer the phone and in the end I was given a ride by Tsukauchi Naomasa.

When I got home my sister was waiting for me worried, which was weird considering not so long ago I didn't even know her name. She insisted on us having dinner together and I learnt that she was studying to be a kindergarten teacher. After some time it began getting awkward so I went to bed early claiming to be tired.

Before going to sleep I checked my phone. UA had sent us an email saying that in lieu of today's attack we would have tomorrow free. On my friends group chat Sato-san had invited all of us to a sleepover tomorrow which I happily agreed to as father wasn't home so I could go out without getting in trouble. With no messages left I went to sleep excited about tomorrow's plans.

Author Note: Any preference between 3rd person PoV and Shoto's PoV???

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