Chapter 1

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The bell chimed through Highwidth house as the clock struck five. All members of staff pattered through the halls, fulfilling their duties for the previously unexpected visitor to arrive. Almost all rooms had been tidied up, swept down and cleaned top to bottom. Due to the high spire in the main hall, the bellows of footsteps sounded through the house. This level of noise was so unusual for the household at this hour. In fact the only room that was deadly quiet was the drawing room. And even stranger, this was the room where all the family had gathered, in anxious silence.

The Roman family.

A cast of different demeanours that posed themselves around the grand fireplace, not saying a single word to each other.

Lord Alexander Roman. Or Mr Bang to his friends. due to his affinity with investing in a new fangled motorized invention named the Car. Some might say rather too fond, even comparing his infatuation with them to his adoring wife and daughter. He leaned over the mantle, staring into the roaring fire that was stocked specifically at his request. Meanwhile, Lady Olivia Roman looked between her husband and the clock placed atop the mantle in an attempt to catch a glance. Any sign of abstract expression to give away what he could possibly be thinking about. But if his thoughts were much like hers, then they were filled with nothing but dread and fruitless struggle for patience. She stared down at her tea in her lap, twirling the spoon. It had barely been sipped and had surely turned cold.

Between them, the crackling of the fire and the constant marching tick of the clock created the only ambience to break up the intangible silence.

Upstairs, Lady's maid, Kistna, was putting away some of Lady Roman's freshly mended and steamed nightgowns, while she mindlessly recounted how distant her ladyship seemed when dressing her that morning. With a knock at the door, everyone's heads darted as they held their breath. The senior butler, Mr Roland, entered the room with his usual stiff posture and head high to deliver the news. But he needn't have said a word. Lady Roman's eyes bored into his as he gave the signal with a subtle nod. Following her lead, they rose to their feet as they rushed out the room and clattered through the front hall. The Mother and Father's heart pounding. The family walked through the entrance where the staff had already lined up in order of rank to greet the guest. Everyone stared on at the dark carriage coming up the path.

With course hoofs churning on the gravel path, the two midnight-black mares came to a halt with a huff and the carriage stood still. The entire household held their breath as they observed the fragile movements of the women that descend the steps of the carriage. Her head lowered as she tried hard to hold her own weight, even with tender care of the footman holding her hand. A gentle wind whistled through her long wavy locks of hair that shielded her furrowed gaze from the family. When she found her footing, she looked up at them all, eagerly waiting. Some hid their concern better than others. Mara was indeed the epitome of an English beauty, with smooth porcelain skin, kissed by a bare blush at her cheeks, crystal blue eyes, although still gleaming like crystal, paled from her horrendous audial.

With hesitation she looked up at her parents, to the grand house she used to call home and then to her mother. So tired and shaken, Mara took her first step, to then tremble at the first hurdle. Enid, the head maid, rushed to help her, but Lady Olivia beat her there.

"Oh my darling girl!" She cried, as she held Mara in her arms and guided her inside. None of the staff said anything to each other. Only glances. The select few will have known her ordeal. While the majority could only speculate about what this fair lady had endured to be so frail.

A circle of maids formed around Lady Mara, as they took care walking her through the main hall and up the stairs one step at a time. Lady Roman wanted to follow, but Lord Roman stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. Just the two of them, left in the haul. All the commotion and drained away. silence simmered for mere moments before Lady Roman couldn't help but burst into tears. She quietly sobbed into her husband's chest, muffling her words. Lord Roman could only look up the stairs, seeing the last of the mirage of women turn the corner and out of sight.

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