Chapter 2

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Kistna knocked on her door one crisp autumn morning.

"Enter" Mara croaked. Her throat was still coarse from the screaming.

Kistna opened the door to find her sitting by her window, looking out.
When Kistna approached, she stared at her friend's silhouette in the glow of the clouded morning light. The beautiful hair hung free down her back and shoulders.

"you won't believe this. I tried to brush my hair, but it's been that long since I've tried to do it on my own that I've only made a mess"

Twiddling her feet like a child, she stood in the centre of the room, hoping that Mara would look her way, maybe a smile if she were lucky.

alas, Mara didn't move an inch as she remarked "where's the other maid?"

Kistna plonked herself down on the bed, the frills of her bonnet wafting in her face. She was in her work apron.

"Well, it's Sunday, so they've all gone out". They sat in silence for a few moments. It had been a while since Kistna had been inside Mara's room. After all, Mara had been away for almost a year. Her bedroom was locked shut in that time. But even though she had returned, it still felt abandoned. That her friend still had not arrived yet. Kistna, still patiently waiting for her friend to return to her. "Would you help me?" Kistna begged, giddily.

Kistna felt her chest relax when Mara finally pulled her attention from the view outside, and looked at her. Mara, in her dazed state, wondered when it was that her friend had become so skittish.

"Come here" Mara beckoned with a gentle tone. Kistna, all too pleased, scurried to pull up the chair to sit in front of her, so she could begin to brush.

Kistna felt relieved as she felt the cool air sweep through her hair as she slid off the bonnet.

"You were always the best at this, you know? Even if I annoyed you, you'd never rag at my hair. Very gentle"

Mara said nothing. Only continued brushing the locks in a steady rhythm.

"I was wondering-" Kistna stifled shyly "why don't we go into town today? We can have a nice walk, look at some lovely things, and then sit somewhere for tea. What do you think?"

Mara was hesitant. And by no means was in the mood for it. But she thought it couldn't hurt. She agreed under the promise that they would go nowhere crowded.

So after a grueling hour of Kistna attempting to get Lady Mara dressed, they embarked on an afternoon out in the village.

Kistna knew that Mara would be fragile, apprehensive and maybe a little scared to venture into the village. Those that Mara had come to know well and grow fond of in the village, how would they perceive her now that she looked so grey? She was scared that perhaps she would cause too much of a fuss. The last thing that she wanted was to be seen by anyone. And even worse, to be any kind of orbit for attention.

Alas, Kistna did her best to make her feel comfortable. They ventured into the beautiful shops scattered across the high street.

Into Madam Martin's fabrics to browse through textiles to inspire their winter wardrobe, at which Kistna surprised Mara with her favourite beautiful scarf, embroidered with baby's breath, now mended and vibrant. Kistna noticed that she left it upon leaving for her travels and thought it would be a lovely surprise for her to return to. Next, Dornan's Bakery who sweetly kept jam tarts in the back fresh upon hearing that the Lady would be in town that afternoon. For the majority of the trip, Mara kept quiet. But if she said anything at all, it was minimal and mostly formalities. Keeping up with the manners that she had been taught since birth; mostly 'please' and 'thank you's' and minimal greetings if that. But once in a while she couldn't help but crack a smile. Usually it was because Kistna would do something to make her giggle. She had that power and was very good at it too.

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