🔗ROSEniverse Ep. 11 "Gen Z in Countryside" #1

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🔗ROSEniverse Ep. 11 "Gen Z in Countryside" #1


Miyoung • Hayoon • Nari • Jihye

----[ROSENIVERSE](A gentle breeze blows and peaceful morning in the countryside

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(A gentle breeze blows and peaceful morning in the countryside. A strong voice disturbs this peace)

Miyoung: Wow, it's the countryside

(We're here too! GEM arrived before ROSES)

Nari: Wow. The air is so fresh

Miyoung: There are animals!

(ROSES in the quiet country house. The members enter the main resting area inside the house. They're happy with the cozy interior)

Nari: Hey, hey, hey! This is great

(Means it's her bed now)

Hayoon: This is good

(You can't be the only one to be comfy)

Jihye: This is going to be fun

(Jihye is interested in the clothes)

Miyoung: This is nice

(She doesn't care if the others become a hamburger or not)

Pd: Shall we do a cheery note first?

Miyoung: Oh pd-nim. It's been long time.

Hayoon: Right I miss you guys

(ROSEniverse also miss you guys)

Jihye: Shall we do a cheery note today?

ROSES: ROSEniverse

(What about this episode?)

Pd: Today is a day for you to relax

(A strong distrust. Just they say they miss us yet)

Jihye: I don't trust you!


Miyoung: Don't lie! Ghosts are going to come out at night!

(They seem happy)

Pd: Why don't you have lunch first?

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