Our Home

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Our Home

Growing up, Chloe always yearned to have a dream home of her own. Ash, who remembers every word of his girlfriend, wants to be the man to do that for her. (AshxChloe) (Bloomboltshipping)

Slightly aged up Ash and Chloe

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon or the cover image.


Chloe was looking in front of the mirror as she fixed her hair. Ash surprised her by asking her out a few hours ago and she had been trying to get herself ready for the day but couldn't seem to do it properly as she felt rather excited.

It's not like this is the first time he asked her out, there have been plenty of times before that, but today felt particularly special.

Usually, Ash would tell her days in advance with details of what they'd be doing or where they'll be spending time, but he hasn't said a word about anything, and Chloe has started speculating something else may be going on behind his silence. She's tried talking him into being more upfront, but he seems determined to keep it all quiet, leaving her even more curious than ever and Chloe can't wait to see how things play out.

The car horn that she is long familiar with took her attention away from her reflection. Chloe decided to just wear her peach-coloured beret cap to cover her unruly hair. After she got out of her room, she stepped down the stairs towards the door.

On her way there, her mom noticed her daughter's attire and smiled at her knowingly. "Someone's busy today, huh?"

Chloe turned slightly red and nodded bashfully, still trying to hide a smile that threatened to break out. The maroon-haired woman's shy demeanour remains after all these years and provided the mother with chances to tease her daughter.

"Don't stay out too late you lovebirds!" Her mother yelled out, causing her to blush even deeper. "Love you!"

"I love you too!" Chloe replied while waving to her mom from the bottom of the staircase, not able to contain her excitement.

When she opened the door she saw Ash standing right outside waiting for her. He had his cap on like usual but had also changed from his usual shorts and white shirt into a navy-blue long sleeve, matching his jeans.

As soon as he noticed her presence, he offered her a small smile which made her feel warm inside. "Hey, you look great!" Ash gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

Like always, she blushed at his gesture and looked away. "Thanks." Chloe smiled back, her cheeks still red. "So... where are we going? Are you finally telling me?"

Ash didn't answer her questions and instead took one of her hands, intertwining their fingers together. "You're gonna find out, I promise." And then, taking a deep breath, he continued speaking. "I want to take you somewhere special today."

He glanced briefly at her face again with a small blush on his cheeks before looking straight ahead once more, taking her to his car.

The drive to the mysterious destination was full of small talks, about anything they could think of, mostly around the great weather today and their favourite things that had happened lately.

"Well, how's your week?" Chloe asked, turning in the passenger seat to face him.

"Busy. How about yours?" Ash smiled at her briefly before looking forward again.

She let out a soft chuckle and shook her head slowly. "It's been the same old routine. You know how it is."

Ash decided they could use some music and played a song that was on his playlist. As the soft melody of the guitar and bass filled the air, Ash decided to sing along.

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