4- The Note

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"There's no way I just did that"
"Hurry unlike it"
"He's still gonna get the notification"

I look down at my phone and click the heart button to unlike the photo.

"Tomorrow is gonna be so embarrassing."

Tanner's POV: (temporary)

I set my keys and bag on my kitchen counter after sliding my shoes off. I lock the door behind me and feel my phone buzz from my back pocket. I slip my phone out and read the most recent notification.

Y/N_Y/L/N liked your post.

I click on the notification which forwards me to Instagram. I click on Y/N's profile, it's public. I scroll through the photos on her account. Wow she has a nice ass... smile. Her online presentation is much different than how she is in real life. Then again, the Y/N I met that night, the night we ran into each other literally, was a different person.


Y/N's POV:

I stand by my locker, taking my time to get my books out, no need to rush. My friend Emile spots me and walks over to me.

"Y/N whatcha doing?"
"Nothin, not much I could be doing right now."
"Ha yeah, Would you mind if I sat with you guys at lunch today?"

Emile, Kayden, and I used to be the dream team. Once he started playing, well good at playing, football he quit sitting with us at lunch and slowly drifted from us. We all kind of just accepted it. He recently has been trying to come back around which has been really nice.

"Yeah of course"
"Can I walk with you to your first class?"
"Yeah sure"

I drape my bag over my shoulder and close my locker. We stopped at Mr. Buchanan's door just before the bell rung. I entered the room and quickly sat in my seat, Emile probably running to his first period.


It was almost the end of the period and Mr. Buchanan began to pass out papers as we all silent read the rest of the book chapter that he had assigned to us. I feel his presence get closer before he stopped in front of my desk. I look up at him and take the papers he was holding out for me. Before he walks to the next student he places a sticky notes on my book page.

"Out of all the pictures I post you like the shirtless one, interesting."

My stomach basically turns after reading that. I can feel my face turning red so I look down to my feet.
The bell rings and everyone leaves the classroom, I gather my things and hear the click of the door shut. I look around and everyone's gone except him.

"Like my note?"
"Aren't you supposed to be the one stopping notes from being passed in class?"
"Is that a no?"
"Do you pass notes like this to all of your students?"
"Do you like answering questions with questions? But for the record, no."
"In that case, maybe I did like it."
"You're face is still bright red."

Oh god.
He lets out a little chuckle, finding me being flustered to be comical.
I stand up walking closer to him before exiting the room.

"You really do know how to get a girl all worked up."


a/n: What's this??? Another update in less than a year?? WOW!! I know. Also second meaningful interaction woop woop!! If you have suggestions on future plots lmk. Also struggling with timing and stuff. Hopefully this story isn't moving too slow. Okay its 3am so bye ily✨😽

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2022 ⏰

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