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Dashiell Martins

"Really?" I sighed as I saw blood on my panties. My monthly period has come.

Maybe this explains why I'm emotional last night, I'm emotional when I'm on my period, and quiet, and...do some other things that is really not so me.

I put on some napkin and went out of my room. The house was empty, thank god. Even Mallory is nowhere to be seen, I wonder why. Well, maybe passed out on the frat house. It was just 7 in the morning. Yes, I also wake up early when I'm on my period.

I went on the living room and saw Michael's t-shirt on the floor, then everything flashbacked in my mind. We were making out, well, I just tried to get Calum out of my mind then he barged in and punched Michael.

I suddenly became irritated with Calum, why would he do that? We're not even really together and we told each other just that day too that we don't give a shit who we hook up with.

I heard a knock as the door, wow that was early. I wonder who it is.

I opened it and it was Michael, his jaw has a color of purple and I immediately held it.

"Again, I'm so sorry." I said and let him inside the house, he just nodded.

"It's alright," he uttered.

"Where's Calum, have you seen him?"

The words automatically came out of my mouth and I mentally face palmed myself.

"He was still asleep, he slept crying, what happened?" He said then we sat on the same couch we were making out last night.

"I-i don't know, I cried too." I admitted, biting my lip and he nodded.

"You two should make up." He mumbled nodding, looking at me.

We sat on the couch and inclined our backs to the soft material, looking at the ceiling.

"I'm not good with apologizing to people, sometimes I just makes things worst. It's not even my fault, though. I got mad because he hurt you." I explained. "It's not my fault." I repeated.

"He will maybe come over right after he wakes up and say sorry to you." He mumbled. "And I should leave before he could ever come." He said standing up.

"No, please. Stay with me." I mumbled, holding his arm. "I want company and some cuddle buddy." I chuckled slightly.

I want cuddles when I'm on my period so... I told you I'm all weird when I'm on my period.

"You want a cuddle buddy?" He laughed.

"I'm on my period so I'm weird, sorry." I mumbled.

"Girls, typical." He smiled. "Okay, I won't leave." He said sitting down and I hugged his arm, making it my small pillow.

"Thank you again, Mikey." I mumbled then I heard the door open, then some footsteps approaching.

"Will you ever learn to stay away from my girlfriend?" Calum hissed grabbing Michael's collar.

"Calum stop." I sighed standing up, trying to get in between the both of them.

"I was just here because you aren't here with her, fuck boy." Michael grinned.

"Michael don't, it'll just get worse." I sighed.

"She's mine, so back off. Michael." Calum said in a cold tone.

"Calum, he's just a friend." I said, quite confused. Why is Calum all fired up?What the hell is happening?

"Is he?" He scoffed.

"Are you doubting me, Calum?"

"Yes!" He said quite frustrated.

"Why? Huh? Tell me what's wrong!" I commanded.

"I think I'm falling for you, Dash! That's what's wrong!" He shouted.



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