thats right folks. superspeedy vampier edword zoomed in and save bella-i mean anna from rampaging motorcyclist. (Motor Guy sticks up his ring finger and ridden away)
"anna are you okay"
"wowo" anuh says bravely with more courage than she felt. "that was really hot edword wanna cheat on belha with me"
"no i am irrevocably in love with her"
beella appears very quick and smacks annamal cracker in the flace. ow!
meanhwile crisp chin is standing in shocks because he was almost killed by motorists. like yeah anna was in the main path but if eddy hadnt pushed her out of the way the motor maybe could have killed anna and given crisp chin a little scrap.e...
and crischin really hates booboos.
"hes in shock lets put him in thee ambulins" bella is saying becos she has a medical degree from colige now.
anna agrees slightly and shoves crisp chin into the black bag and puts it in the refrigerator ambukance truck. "getwel son" anua whispers softly into the bag after she zipped it
49 shades of gray
Aventurawhin anuh stay-ja steal, a quirky avrige collage seenior meets crisp chin gray, her entire life turns up side down (literelly).