Siddharth is all lost in deciding the way to die.
"Damm I can't even decide how to die" he says to himself all frustrated his eyes were on the road but they were busy looking for ways to die.
He hits someone at the T turning he didn't notice
"You freak, don't you have eyes??" yells a girl fallen on the road with a purple scooty bike on her left foot.
The fellow passers by picks her and her bike up and make her sit on the sidewalk ramp. It took all this while for Siddharth to taken in what he just did.
"Damm. Maam are you okay?? Shall I dial emergency??" he takes his helmet off and rushes to the girl.
"What the hell do you think of yourself?? Don't you have eyes??"
"I am so sorry, but first tell are you alright?" asks a concern Sid. The contiguous crowd asks her the same to which she replies sweetly "no thanks everyone but I am fine. Thanks to all" the crowd disperses except for Sid.
"I am extremely very soor..."
"God has given you eyes, actually on a second thought, you have two pairs of eyes, yet you can't see??"
He looks down ashamed after all he is blameworthy right now.
"What about the traffic rules?? You didn't care for the signal nor did you blow your horn to signal anyone coming. Why don't freaks like you care about your and other people's life??" she starts getting up but tumbles.
"Aahh... my foot... its hurting so badly"
"Please come let me take you to hospital" he offers a helping hand to her.
"Why?? So that now you can kill me??" she gives him fierce look and continues with her angry fervor "oh damm Alia just got her foot hurt, let me take her to hospital and kill her>"
"No Alia, I didn't" Sid was cut again by a gasping Alia "oh freak!!! How the hell do you know my name?? AArghh are you those psycho killers or a stalker?" she continues with her babbling.
"Shut up Ms. Drama Queen, you yourself said your name, but you, you babble so much that you yourself don't remember anything. I am trying to help you because it's me at the fault and you got hurt but you are not ready to listen." He finishes speaking in one breathe. He gets completely surprised by himself as he has never spoken so much in one go, let alone to a girl. Alia nods in agreement Sid starts his bike.
"No we will go on my scooty what if it got stolen??What if it..."
"Cool" he interjects her. Alia tries to walk but fails. Sid offers her his hand and this time she takes it.

LOVE STORY.. Its more than just a book...
RomanceLOVE STORY... ITS MORE THAN JUST A BOOK. i am sure most of the love stories you have read have a different kind of girl falling for a different kind of boy.. they have there issues.. with time they overcome them and live happily ever after.. but all...