Nathan part 2

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It started with Jackie, or at least I think it did. We were all hanging out you, me, Jackie, John, and Shawn. Everything was fine but I could just sense something with Jackie and I told you later that I think she was flirting with you and you told me no but Shawn told me "oh yeah she flirts with everyone." Then her and John show up when we aren't there and she's just laying there in the camper like it isn't the first time and she asked you to hand her shoes like you owed her it. Then there was the time we were riding the quad and you told me we couldn't go across the creek because it was too muddy but then when you were riding with her you went across the creek and she came back with a flower, or the time when we were cuddling and you were on your phone and I looked over to see you talking bad about me to her saying you were being annoyed by me and that I wouldn't leave even though you didn't even ask me to and how you would have your dad tow my car. I was hurt. Then when we went to the Festival we got in a fight because she was there and you wanted to hang out with her and I didn't want to and then you ended up ditching me in the dark by myself to go and hang out with her. Yet I stayed and gave you another chance. Told me you weren't going to talk to her again, I believed you, expect one day when I was spending the night I went to go and tell you goodnight and you were talking to her again.

Then there was Kaylee, when I tried to be there for you when you were sad about your cat, I came after work to be with you and then you told me that you would rather be with Kaylee right now. Then you got mad at me when I told you I didn't want you to be alone with her. It was so bad your sister had to come talk to me and tell me she asked Kaylee if she had feelings for you.

Then there was Erin, you told me the night before that you were going to hang out with her and that you would have to stop hanging out with me to go and hang out with her, I told you I didn't like that you didn't tell me until the last minute and that I would have been ok with it but it seemed like you were trying to hide it. I talked to her and she said I could go if I wanted to but then you were mad that I asked if I could go and then she said she wasn't going to go anymore and you were mad and yet you went anyway. Told me I had nothing to worry about. Yet a year later I had this feeling to look at your phone and found you still talking to her saying you didn't have a girlfriend. So I asked you if there was anything you wanted to tell me and you told me that you talk to other girls on snap but it was nothing serious it's just when you have a bad day and you needed to talk to someone, but like why couldn't you talk to me? It took me actually bringing up her name for you to admit it, then you said YOU needed a break and wanted to see other people. Other people meaning Erin. Saying you wanted to know there wasn't better out there.

That's when we broke up for what I thought was the last time but yet you came back and I told you, you had to pick between me and Erin and you picked me. Then you broke my heart again in that truck. The day I officially deleted you at my life made me realize that I had deleted the person who I thought was going to be there forever out of my life. Letting you go was the hardest part of my life.

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