it'll be alright (steven) || m or g!n reader

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b/n = brother's name

it was a normal day in london, all things considered. for once it wasn't cloudy or raining, the sun was out and shining and the people of london seemed happier than usual. that's usually how it was around here.

i was currently at the local coffee shop, only a few blocks down from my flat that i shared with my boyfriend(s). i just ordered my favourite drink and sat down in an empty chair in the coffee shop. suddenly my phone rang, i grabbed it out of my pocket and saw it was from my brother.

"hey b/n what's up?" i asked my brother.

"u-uh hi y/n... i-i really didn't want to do this over the phone but..." he sounded like he had been crying, i wonder why.

"tell me b/n, what happened? what's wrong?" i ask.

"m-mom died... the paramedics said she died peacefully i-in her sleep." b/n starts sobbing after that and i just stared into my cup of my coffee, not believing him.

"n-no mom can't be d-dead i just saw her the other day a-and she was fine!!" i exclaimed into the phone and all i heard were cries on the other end.

"w-we'll have to plan her funeral soon, ill be by your flat tomorrow, i love you y/n, we'll get through this together okay.." my brother says.

"o-okay b/n bye." i replied as i hung up the phone and slammed it on the table, some people stared but i didn't care. i threw away my coffee, not feeling up to finishing it.

i slowly walked back to my flat, tears still running down my face, never going to fully accept what happened to my mom. eventually i got there, i unlocked the door and walked in. i quickly went to the drawer and took out of steven's sweaters, i took off my shirt and put his sweater on instead. i immediately took in the scent of steven. i tried to smile a little but then the frown took over and my crying resumed.

a couple hours later i was still sobbing in bed, covers completely over my body as i sulk in the darkness. i heard the door unlock and knew steven was home from work.

"y/n? where are you my love?" i heard steven yell out as i sniffled. i heard footsteps coming closer towards the bedroom.

"y/n! what's wrong? are you alright?" i tried shaking my head no but he probably couldn't tell from the blankets covering my head. i felt the bed sink in and felt hands on the blankets. suddenly, the blankets were pulled off of my head and i was met with his chocolate brown eyes.

"oh y/n what happened?" he said softly as he held my red puffy face in his hands. i leaned into his touch and collapsed into his arms, too tired to keep my body sitting up. he gladly took me into his arms and wrapped his arms around me as i laid my head on his chest, inhaling his scent once more.

"m-my mom-" i tried to get out but couldn't, i knew that mom topics were heard for the boys because of their past, so i didn't really want to say any more.

"it's fine y/n we don't mind, if you feel comfortable please tell me what happened so i can try and help, alright my love?" he comforted and i nodded slightly.

"my brother called, a-and mom is d-dead, he said she died in her sleep!" i exclaimed and wiped the tears from my cheeks. i felt steven's hands slowly running through my hair and i couldn't help but melt at the touch.

"my love, im so sorry, i wish i could've been here when you got home." he whispered and continued to play with my hair carefully.

"you look really good in my sweaters love." he said and i couldn't help but blush.

"it'll be okay y/n we will always be here for you, i hope you know that." it wasn't steven this time, he had an american accent which meant it was marc.

"te amamos cariño siempre recuerda eso." jake said, then the fingers in my hair resumed and i assumed steven was fronting again.

i looked up from steven's chest and looked him in the eyes.

"it'll be alright y/n, trust me."


te amamos cariño siempre recuerda eso is roughly "we love you sweetheart always remember that"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2022 ⏰

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