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Me and Po stood at the entrance to the village when Kai appeared and landed.

"Wow! That's what I call a dramatic entrance!" Po yelled. I clicked my beak and saw Kai narrow his eyes at us while they glowed green, causing Po to cover his private parts.

"Ha-ha! You two must be the Dragon Warriors." Kai said as he pointed his green chained blades at us.

"And you must be Kai! Beast of Vengeance, Maker of Widows." Po said.

"Yes! Finally! Thank you! Almost makes me want to spare your life." Kai said, thankful someone finally knew who he was.

"Oh, you want to spare me? How about you spare me the chitchat? All right? Let's do this." Po said.

"I'm going to take you two's chi, then the chi of every panda in the-" Po cut Kai off before he could continue.

"Oh, chitchat!"

"In the-"

"Chitty-chitty chat-chat. Chat-chat-chat." Po interrupted Kai again.

"In the-"


"Ah, you pudgy little...." Kai growled. I clicked my beak again to see him launch the Jade pieces of all the masters he's caught. Me and Po retreated a little bit into the village and the jade Masters landed in front of us.

"Oh, no, it's true. You guys have all been turned green!" Po gasped. "Except for you, Mantis. You were already green."

"Crane." I said and stared at his green self in sadness before my time limit was up and my eyesight turned back to black. Kai then sent the jombies after us and Po have the signal for everyone to attack.

"Here we go!" Po yelled. Me and Po ran into the village while being chased by the jombies. Crane had dived to attack us but we ducked down and he flew past us. Crane turned and was about to fly back to attack us again but was stopped when he was squashed between to pandas that were catapulted when Po had yelled for the Dumpling Squad to go. Me and Po ran away from the other jombies while different squads helped to distract some of the jombies. Master Croc was about to bite us when Tigress jumped down and started fighting him.

"Awesome, Tigress!" I called back. Me and Po were running through the village when Shifu came out of nowhere and started chasing us.

"Oh, no! It's Shifu! I can't hit Shifu." Po said as we backed up against a railing. Before Shifu could get us, he was hit in the face with a metal pan.

"I can!" Dad yelled as he and Li stepped out in some sort of battle armor.

"And so can I!" Li added.

"Double Dad Defense!" They chorused before fighting Shifu.

"Go, Dads!" Po cheered as me and him climbed onto the roof and stared down as Kai.

"Yeah! We got him now." I grinned. Me and Po then snuck down and rolled down the hill, creating a giant snowball, before smashing into Kai and allowing Po to put him in the Wuxi Finger Hold.

"Sorry, buddy. Gotta send you back to the Spirit Realm. Skadoosh." Po said and out his pinky down but nothing happened. "Okay, that didn't work. Let me try one more time. Skadoosh!" But it still didn't work. "Skadoosh, skadoosh. Skadoo- what the—"

"Hold on. Wait! It's working. No. No!" Kai pretended to be choking before it turned into evil laughter. "No, it's not. Did Oogway teach you that little trick? Too bad. It only works on mortals and I am a Spirit Warrior. Come!" Kai yelled and the jombies started heading towards us and reattached themselves as charms on Kai's belt. Me and Po then started fighting Kai, but he was strong and kept shoving us back. Kai then shot me and Po into the air before kicking us and shooting us into the village, where we slammed through the post at the entrance and fell to the ground.

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