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After a few minutes I heard Po screaming across the training course. I rushed over to the edge of the platform and closed my eyes listening to where the course was. 'First rotating swirly logs with spikes swinging in the air above them. Next is a bowl like shell. After that is a field of rotating crocodile-like spikes. Then last is a platform of fire that bursts out of pipes in the floor.' I figured out. I spread my wings and got ready to take off if Po needed my help.

"Master Shifu. Look at Hana." I heard someone whisper. I crouched down for more speed. Suddenly I heard the fire in the floor go off and Po's screaming. I instantly took off. I went through a spiked ring attached to the ceiling then over the shell bowl. After that I flew through the spiked croc field without getting hit. I then flew into the fire field and dodged oncoming fire bursts. When I found Po, I grabbed him and flew him out of the fire and over to here the others are. When I landed no one said anything.

"How-how did- how did you do that?" Shifu asked shocked. I sighed stretching my wings from the weight I just lifted.

"When Po was getting knocked around I was at the edge of the course listening to where everything was. Po helped with that when he was getting hit around and screaming. After he made it to the fire field I had everything mapped out. So when Po needed my help I came rushing in without many problems." I explained. Everyone nodded still shocked.

"And you said you weren't fit for being a Kung Fu Master." Po gasped out. I shook my head.

"I didn't say that. Master Shifu did. And he's right. I'm not meant to be a Kung Fu Master, much less Dragon Warrior. You can do that but I'm not, Po." I said. I sensed that he looked at me sadly. I sighed and walked for the door. "I'll be in the sky in anyone needs me." I said then flew off.

I was still flying around when it was night time. I was flying over the forests when I heard people talking and I silently flew over in the direction. I flew and landed behind a big rock with Poand had to cover his mouth before he could scream. I put a feather to my mouth, shushing him. I sensed he nodded and we listened in on the conversation.

"There's no words." Mantis sighed.

"No denying that." Crane agreed. I quickly grew aggravated at the conversation.

"What was Master Oogway thinking? Those two are just going to get themselves killed." Viper said worried causing me to roll my eyes.

"He is so mighty! The Dragon Warrior fell out of the sky on a ball of fire!" Crane mocked and I narrowed my eyes.

"When he walks, the very ground shakes!" Mantis mocked too and everyone laughed at his comment.

"One would think Master Oogway would choose someone who actually knew Kung fu." Tigris said bitterly. I was getting madder each second.

"Yeah, or could at least touch his toes." Crane agreed, making fun of Po.

"Or even see his toes." Monkey commented. Everyone laughed then remembered me.

"Oh that's right. The other one can't even see! She's gonna end up killed if she continues." Mantis laughed.

"She did well in the course." Crane commented.

"She was lucky. She's nothing special." Tigris said then they all walked into the barracks. Me and Po then came out from behind the rock where we were hiding. I was furious. How could they just judge us like that? They hardly knew us! Po then attempted on seeing his toes but ended up falling over.

"Don't listen to them Po. They're wrong about you. Your going to make an amazing Dragon Warrior. They're just jealous they weren't chosen." I comforted him and I sensed he smiled at me. "Go head off to bed, I'll catch up." I said. He nodded then went off to his room. I stayed on the steps with my head pointed up at the sky. I rose my wing and touched my eyes. I sighed sadly. After a few more minutes I headed towards my room. I opened the door to what seemed like my room but apparently it wasn't.

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