The Cult of Vecna (2)

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After a stressful, but fun, session of Dungeons & Dragons, your team was able to beat Lord Vecna. Even though you only became friends with The Hell Fire Club in January, it felt like you were closer with them than anyone else in your life.

As everyone was walking out, Gareth stopped you.

"Hey, I need to talk to you."

Your heart stopped.

"What if he doesn't like you? What if you upset him? Does he hate you? Is he going to do something horrible to you?" All of these terrifying thoughts ran throughout your head.

"What is it?" Your hands were shaking more than a volcano about to erupt. Gareth took a deep breath.

"I just wanted to let you know that ever since you joined Hell Fire, it's been so much more fun and enjoyable. Seriously, I think you're the coolest."

You felt your face burn up as he gave you an endearing smile.

You felt something. This feeling was new to you. It stung like a bee but was as sweet as honey.

Gareth pulled you out of your thoughts, "Helloooo? Are you okay?" Realizing he was speaking to you, you responded "Yeah I'm fine! Just thinking about something."

Telling him that was a whole mistake.

Gareth's the kind of guy who will plead and beg you until you tell him what you're talking about or thinking about. Knowing that's the way he was, he kept bugging you about telling him what "Just something" was until he finished walking you home.

Once you got to your room, you flopped onto your mattress while heavily exhaling. You thought to yourself, "That boy is going to make this one hell of a Spring break."

[ Pg. 2 | 290 Words ]

AN: "two updates in one day?? this is awesome!!" yes, yes it is and im proud of it >:)

Lunch Break | A Gareth Emerson x Read FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now