Character Info

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Name: Dream/Clay

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Name: Dream/Clay

Species: Human/Blob(Secretly)

Age: 23

Height: 6'3/(blob)5.4 in

Ship: George x Dream

Likes: being loved, Snuggles, being held in blob form, music  

Dislikes: people littering anywhere(keep the planet clean)

Dislikes: people littering anywhere(keep the planet clean)

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Name: George

Species: Human

Age: 22

Ship: George x Dream

Likes: Dream, Hangout, yoga

Dislikes: Loud noise

Dislikes: Loud noise

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Name: Sapnap

Species: Human

Age: 21


Ship: Sapnap x Karl

Likes: Karl, white shirts, gaming

Dislikes: small spaces

Dislikes: small spaces

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Name: Karl

Species: Human

Age: 23


Ship: Sapnap x Karl 

Likes/like: Cuddles, Frogs, Sapnap

Dislikes/Dislike: Mean people

Dislikes/Dislike: Mean people

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Name: Tubbo

Species: Human

Age: 19

Ship: Tubbo x Ranboo

Likes/Like: Bees, Flowers, Ranboo

Dislikes/Dislike: Bears

Dislikes/Dislike: Bears

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Name: Ranboo

Species: Human/Enderman(secrelty)



Ship: Tubbo x Ranboo

Likes/Like: Being loved, purple flowers

Dislikes/Dislike: Being sick

Dislikes/Dislike: Being sick

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Name: Skeppy

Species: Human

Age: 22

Height: 5'6

Likes/Like: Bad, his Friends, Diamonds

Dislikes/Dislike: Bugs

Dislikes/Dislike: Bugs

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Name: Bad/Darryl

Species: Human/Demon(Secretly)

Age: 27

Height: 5'9/(Demon/Canon)9'6

Ship: Skeppy x Bad 

Likes/Like: Being loved, Rat, Skeppy(Geppy), 

Dislikes/Dislike: his height (thinks that he'll be bullied by his friends if he shows the his "demon" side  

~Hello Guys and Girls i just want to say sorry because of the dislikes and likes. if their to short or whatever i'm sorry and i know there not true so sorry is it doesn't sound great , i had a hard time coming up with them.<3~

~And why it say's "Being loved on each half human Character info is because they weren't loved a lot in their childhood and they don't know what Ranboo, Bad, and Dream are they think there human so they don't find out until later~ 

.~There maybe things at the end of the chapters to make sure you know whats going on because my story can be a bit confusing~ 

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