George and Sapnap are going to Florida to meet Dream for the first time ever. They have fun and even meet new friends. But little did dream's friends know he was hiding something, what will happen when they find out?
We got in the car it was a uncomfortable ride home
"So Dream do you feel better after well that?" Sapnap asked "Hm wha oh yeah" I said trying to keep my eye's on the road. a voice beside me spoke "Are you sure? if you want we can watch a movie when we get to your house" I looked over at George for a second "ok tha-t would be n-ice!"
<15 minutes later>
"We're here" I saw George perk right up out of the corner of my eye. I laughed "You guys excited?" "FLIP YEA!" they both screamed. 'This is the first time I'm acutely happy! to bad it won't last forever...'
(Just wanted to say that this ' ' is when someone is thinking so here it is Dream's POV so it's him thinking. Oh! and i am no aloud to swear so they will be saying "Flip" instead because it doesn't feel right to just blur out the words so thank you!- Silver_5307)
George's POV:
We walked into Dreams house and found that it was really nice and cozy. "Make your self at home I'm going to go and make lunch. You can get a movie ready if you like" Dream said So that's what we did we picked out a movie just in time "George, Sapnap Lunch!" we jump out of our seats and run to the kitchen to sit down "Wow dream you maked this?"
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"Yep! do you like it?" dream asked '... Is this man kidding?' "of course i love Ramen!" Sapnap stated "Same!" i said " I'm glad you like it" Dream said with the cutest smile on his face.... 'am i in love?no i don't love Dream...... Do i?'
<20 minutes>
Sapnap's POV:
We sat on the couch and watched Harry potter. Then me and George played some board games! "Dream do you want to play board games with us?" I asked "No but thank you for asking Sapnap" Dream said in a sleepy voice slowing drifting off to sleep on the couch "Okay" George said. A couple minutes later we could hear quiet snoring we look back to see Dream sleeping sitting up "what do you think he's dreaming about Sapnap?"George asked " I dunno.." i looked over to see George looking at Dream like he wants to hug him but doesn't "George?" i said "Hm" he muttered as he looked over to me. "Do you like Dream?" I questioned as i saw George light up in a red blush "Maybe... is that a bad thing?" he asked "What? Dude. It's ok to like someone" i stated.
He looked surprised "Y-your fine with me being gay?" He asked "Of course Dude I'm not Homophobic other why's i wouldn't be Bi!"i said sounding proud "wait... YOUR B-" he cutting of by a little flash of light right where dream was sitting....