George and Sapnap are going to Florida to meet Dream for the first time ever. They have fun and even meet new friends. But little did dream's friends know he was hiding something, what will happen when they find out?
Me and Sapnap were walking down the airport hallway when we spotted Dream. He had his mask on like always so people recognized him, He had a women, a 6 year old and two teen girls taking a picture. We walked to them Dream saw this and waved the 6 year old seemed to recognized us to because he ran and hugged me. "Hi little guy!" I said "Oh My Goodness your Georgenotfound and your Sapnap!" the kid said pointing to Sapnap.
"Yes i am" Sapnap stated to the kid that was still hugging my legs. I looked over to Dream to see he had to two teens hanging off of him and he seemed uncomfortable? "I think it's time to go. It was great meeting you guys!" "Ok thanks for the photo" "N-no Prob-lem" said Dream when they left and walked over to Dream.
"Whats wrong"
"T-those girls-s they"
" The-y touched me and-d whisp-ered to me 'Do yo-u like us? Be-cause we like you! D-dddate us.~"
"They WHAT!" I snapped. I just snapped i don't know what happened but i felt like i had a fire where my heart was. I felt the need to hit something!
"George clam down it's not that big of a deal" dream said " NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL!?! MY BEST FRIEND JUST GOT TOUCHED AGAINST HIS OWN WILL!" I snapped again at this point people where staring at us which i knew that dream didn't like i didn't even mean to yell but what was i going to do my 'bff' got touched by two girls that he doesn't even know. I look up to see dream lifting me up in his arms.
He began to walk "Dream put me down" "No."
Dream's pov:
I walk out of the airport with George i look down to see he kind of flustered and then i realize i have in my arms.... I HAVE HIM IN MY ARMS?!? "Oh mY WorD I'm sO SoRRy!!" I put down George and look over to Sapnap and he was smirking! Sapnap knows that i have a crush on him. i look back and down at George and he has something on his face..... What is that?....... FLIP it's blush! is he embarrassed i mean look at me i'm ugly and he's probably straight.
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(😳excuse me!?! you are? man i wish i could be like you i'm UGLY!)
"are you blushing?" i asked him "What?" "You have a pink tint on your cheeks so are you Blushing?" "W-what no! of course not" George yelled "O-oh haha sorry i thought " Dream just laughed it off.
~Little did George know he just made a very big mistake and that he many never never fully get dream's trust~
(Mention of death)
~Sorry if there's any spelling mistakes or anything like that but anyways beside that..... i don't know if anyone reading this but Techoblade died from stage 4 sarcoma a rare cancer on/in june 30 2022 so i just want to say i'm sorry to the Dsmp for your lost i know Dream and the other Dsmp memders may not be taking it well and i'm sorry. Honetly i'm not taking it take well either i was up for i think 2 nights in a row crying, sorry if I'm making this about me but i am truly sorry to people that may have a strong bound with him or one of his fans but yeah just wanted to pay some respect? i dunno. Rest in peace Techo hopefully you'll get blood for the blood gods~