21. Healing

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It's been a few weeks of me staying here in Beatrice's cottage. My back wound is now  healed but not completely. I still have a problem standing for too long. In the beginning, it was too bad I couldn't even sit for long and needed help in everything I do. I felt really useless these past few days. My cheek and forehead bruises are completely healed, but my forehead has left a tiny scar, which Beatrice told me would go eventually with time. My nights are usually filled with nightmares and me waking up screaming, but thankfully, I have Beatrice with me who will calm me down by her soothing voice.

I always dreamt the same dream, me tied in that tens and that vile man torturing me. Sometimes, I saw him cutting my skin, and sometimes he would whip me. I always woke up crying and would cry for hours after that. I stayed quite most of the day Beatrice and Amanda come to talk to me, and I would always answer shortly. Amanda would always feel guilty she thinks that it's her fault that she let me run away even though I tried to tell her that uts not her fault, but it was meant to happen.

All these weeks I haven't seen Achilles, he hasn't come here even once after that day he told me about my punishment. Fin often came with Amanda and would ask me about my health. Sometimes, it bothers me that he never comes here, I know I broke his trust, but it was his choice to trust me. I never told him to trust me. It was all him, then why is he getting his anger out on me and making me feel guilty.

I am also scared of the punishment that I would receive when I will be back to my feet, which makes me not to heal that soon. Today, Beatrice combed my hair and braided it in small braids, which she tied at the back. I felt good after so long, all clean and fresh.

"Can I go out today?" I asked her, and she thinks for a moment, then smiled at me.

"Sure, but let Amanda come with you, I have to go to see a sick person, today," she told me, and I nodded at her.

After a while, Amanda came with Fin. They seem so much in love now, and I feel so happy for both of them. Both of them care for each other a lot, one can see in their eyes how much they are important for each other. I wish I could find a person who will love me the same way, but I don't think being loved by a good man is in my fate. I always get possessive men, and I don't think they love me they just want me both Victor and Achilles.

I hope Victor is alright, I know he hasn't done anything good to me but still he was my friend once and for that I wish him good health and about Achilles I don't know what to think of him.

"Let's go," Amanda said as she stood me on my feet. She snaked her arm in arm as we stepped outside. I know she did it to support me she is still scared that I will fall.

"I can walk now," I told her with a small smile

"I know," she said, and I just sighed when she looked ahead. She knows but doesn't believe me.

We walked a little around the village and reached near the field where I saw him after so many days, and my heart skipped a beat. I didn't realize how much I wanted to see him until now, and that thought scared me to my core. No, why would I be happy seeing him? I thought. His gaze fell on me when he saw us but glanced away, totally ignoring me, and I felt a little hurt at his ignorance.

"He is still mad at me." I spoke out to Amanda, but she didn't say anything. he just listened to me

"Amanda, I don't want to be punished." I spoke slowly, looking at her, and she looked away, not meeting my gaze.

"How will he punish me?" I asked her.

"I don't know Flora, and to be Frank, I don't even want to know. His punishments are not lenient. Even the most scary person of our village is scared of his punishments. He never hold on to them, and he get it from our father." She told me with sadness.

"I just wish he goes easy on you.." she trailed off.

"What happened?" I asked her when I found her busy in her thoughts.

"He knows that someone helped you, and he is trying to find that person.. and i am thinking of confessing to him that it was me." she told me with fear in her eyes.

"Amanda, I won't let him hurt you. It was all me. Only I am responsible for my actions, " I told her firmly, I won't let him punish her.

"No, you don't understand. It was my mistake, and he won't stop until he found who helped you," she told me.

"I won't let him," I said sternly.

"Flora, you don't know him.." she started.

"But I know you and I won't let him hurt you at any cost." I gazed in her eyes, and she smiled at me sadly.

"I am happy to have you as my friend, I wish I could do something for you," she said.

"You have already done a lot for me," I assured her.

I started feeling pain. I'm my lower back after standing too long, and I winced a little.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"I think w-we should get b-back," I spoke out with a little difficulty. I took two steps, and I felt like my back was burning. It shouldn't hurt like it does, Ma told me that the arrow was drenched in some type of poison, which is making my wounds difficult to heal.

"I think I can't walk..." As I said, I felt two arms around me, and I was scooped up. I looked up to see Achilles holding me and started walking towards his house, not the cottage.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked him a little scared.

"Amanda, go and tell mother that she will stay in my house from now on," he said and kept walking ahead, not even gazing my way.

"Achilles," I called him softly to gain his attention. He looked at me momentarily, but then, with a heavy sigh, he looked away.

"Are you still mad at me?" I asked in a small voice.

"Why shouldn't I be?" He asked in return.

"Look, if it were you in my place, you would have done the same," I said.

"Yes, but not by playing with someone's emotions," he gritted out. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Are you serious?" I asked him.

"Did I tell you to trust me? NO. It was all you it was your choice to trust me, " I said out loudly. He paused for a moment in his tracks, looked at me, and then started walking again without saying anything. Once I was in my previous room, he laid me down on the bed and turned towards the door. He stopped when he reached the door.

"You are right. I was stupid enough to trust you," he said slowly, and I felt my heart shatter at his sad eyes. I hurt him! I wanted to apologize, but my ego wasn't letting me.

"Achilles.." I called, but he slammed the door and went out. Then I heard his footsteps going downstairs and then the shutting of the entrance door loudly.

I know what I done was right, but then why I am feeling so bad about it. Why his sadness bothers me. I think I am going crazy! That's the only answer I can think of.

Or maybe you are falling for him.. my inner stupid self chimed in.

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