30. Jane's request

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I was going towards cottage in the morning after having breakfast. I was on my way when someone came in front of me, that girl Jane who was the crazy admirer of Achilles and lashed on me when she saw me with him. She glared at me.

"Why did you come back?" She glared at me.

"I .." I didn't know what to say.

"You shouldn't have come, everything was going alright. Achilles started talking to me gently and I thought that he would say yes to my purposal but then..." her eyes were red with anger and tears.

"But then you came back and his attention was back on you. I wish you were dead that day" she shouted at me with intense anger. I was hurt at her words, how can someone wish death on someone else.

"Look Jane.." I started but she cut me off but this time she started crying. She fell on her knees infront of me and bowed her head down.

"Please leave him alone" she literally begged me and at that moment I felt pity for her, I didn't like seeing her like that so broken.

"Jane please stand up" I pleaded her and try to pull her up but she pushed me away but thankfully I didn't fell.

"No I won't until you promise that you will stay away from him" she said and I looked at her with shock. How can I ... I mean.

"It's not like you love him, right? You always fight with him and disrespect him. You don't deserve to be a queen, It's my dream to be a queen. You can't take it from me" she said and then added.

"You can't take him from me" her eyes were stormy.

"Jane.." I said.

"Please Flora please I beg of you" she started crying and I felt bad for her. But how can I give him to her when he is not even mine to begin with.

"The only thing you can do is stay away from him, let me have my chance with him" she said and I felt my eyes filled with tears. My heart was breaking all over and I couldn't do anything about it. I can't be selfish, that's not me.

"I will kill myself if I didn't get him" she said and my eyes widen at her words.

"No you won't do that.." I gasped at her.

"I will, there is no reason for me to live if there is not him in it" she cried

"Okay I will stay away.. from ... him" I said in a small voice trying not to cry. She stood up with happiness and hugged me hard. She thanked me again and again.

"I would never forget your favor, once I will be a queen I will reward you for it" she said proudly wiping her years. I can't let someone die because of me.

"No you don't have to" I smiled sadly at her.

"I have to go" I said and made my way towards cottage but once I was away from her eyesight I went into forest. I need to be alone, to recollect myself.

Once I was away and somewhere secluded I sat down and let tears fall down. I cried for losing something that was never mine to begin with. He would be happy with her, she is more beautiful than me and she knows how to be a queen. She will look good with him and he.. would be happy with her.

I cried for so long that now my tears wouldn't even fall, it was late afternoon when I heard someone calling me. It was Achilles's voice. I wiped my tear stained cheeks and stood up.

"I am here" I called. The I heard footsteps coming towards me and there he was standing between the trees.

"Where the hell were you?" He gritted with anger. I didn't speak and glanced away from him.

"Do you know how worried we all were for you?" He shouted in anger and step towards me. Once he was close only then he saw my flushed face and my red eyes.

"You were.. crying" it wasn't a question it was a statement.

"No I wasn't" I said and stepped back and turn towards the way where I came from but his firm hold on my hand stopped me.

"Did someone hurt you?" He asked in his dark voice.

"Tell me who hurt you, I promise I will kill that bastard" he hissed in anger.

"No one did anything to me" I said and jerked my hand away from me.

"Then why are you crying?" He asked.

"And why does it concern you whether I cry or .. die, huh" I shouted in annoyance at him and his face expression turned more hard at my words.

"Don't you dare..." He warned me.

"Don't I dare what? Huh? Do you really think everything is back to normal, that I have forgotten everything you did to me because I did not. I might have forgiven you but I hadn't forgotten anything. Everything has been etched in my mind permanently" I said in a loud voice and he was blank.

"I was stupid to think that everything is normal but now I realized that nothing can ever be normal between you and me. We are poles apart" I said and he was looking at me with sadness.

"Flora you are not thinking straight just come with me.." He tried to pull me towards him but I pushed him away from me.

"Don't you dare touch me, your touch... burns me" I gritted with anger and his face turned grim at my words.

"You are a monster and for a moment I forgot that but thank God I have come back to my senses." I said.

"What are you on about?" I can tell he is getting angry now.

"You were alright this morning, what happened to you?" He asked me.

"You want to know what happened to me? I woke up that's what happened to me." I huffed.

"I thought we were ...." He said but I cut him off.

"We?" I chuckled sarcastically.

"There is no we, Achilles. There is no us and can never be. You know what you deserve someone like Jane. You two are definitely made for each other and also she loves you so... it's a win win" I scoffed.

"Shut up" he said this time with anger.

"Don't you dare give me advice on who I should be with" he said in a Dark voice.

"I am leaving and you, stay away from me" I rolled my eyes at him and then left but after taking few steps. He came in front of me and I stopped walking.

"You don't feel anything for me Flora?" He asked in a soft voice, his eyes staring in mine.

"No" I said and looked straight in his eyes.

"I hope you get your answer now let me go" I said and he stepped away giving me space to walk away. I left him there and walked towards Beatrice's cottage. When she opened the door, I hugged her and cried my heart out. She asked me what happened but I didn't said anything. I just cried in her arms as she held me.

I destroyed my happiness with my own hands? But what else can I do? Jane ...she was.. I can't be selfish. I can't let her die just because of my own happiness.

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