Midnight Heist

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Pure Vanilla Cookie bursted into the ancient's shared bedroom. "Alright everyone! It's time to go to the farmers market!" He loudly proclaimed.

Dark Cacao groaned and rolled over in bed, pulling the covers over his face, "Go away."

Hollyberry, at the bedside, opened her eyes to check the time, "Pure Vanilla, it's literally 5:00 in the morning. I'm going back to sleep."

"Oh no you're not!" Pure Vanilla exclaimed while pulling the covers off of them in one harsh tug. All of them cringed aside from Hollyberry, who moved over to grab a nearby pillow. Golden Cheese glared at him and lurched forward, trying to rip the blankets out of his arms. Pure vanilla did not budge, all the while keeping the cheery look on his face.

"C'mon," White Lily said while sitting up in bed, "we can at least hear him out."

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Golden Cheese yelled, still wrestling Pure Vanilla for the covers. He was certainly stronger than he looked.

White Lily frowned and reached out towards Golden Cheese, wrapping her arms around her and pulling back, "Stop it!"

Golden Cheese pushed forwards in resistance, accidentally falling on top of Pure Vanilla in the process. The three of them fell into a heap on the floor. They were a mass of cookies and blankets.

Dark Cacao sat up and rubbed his eyes, yawning. "White Lily, you're...," he seemed at a loss for words.

"A simp. You're a simp," Hollyberry supplied from her spot in the room, still snuggled up to a pillow.

"HOLLYBERRY," White Lily yelled, offended.

Pure Vanilla shuffled under the other two, trying to get out, "I already started the car. You are obligated to come or else I'll make you feel bad."

"Oh, you started the car?" Golden Cheese questioned, staring down at him. She paused, processing the statement.

"Well I call shotgun!"

As Golden Cheese shouldered the weight of White Lily off of her, she bolted towards the parked car outside, slamming the door shut as she left the house.

"Well then..." Pure Vanilla trailed off, somewhat surprised with her actions.

"She didn't even put on regular clothes," White Lily observed, similarly surprised.

"Me neither," Dark Cacao said, shuffling out of the bed and into a pair of slippers. He trudged his way out of the bedroom. He left the house with a soft click of the door. Clearly he was still tired.

That left Hollyberry. She was still hugging a pillow and the both of them doubted they could get her to move willingly.

That's how both Pure Vanilla and White Lily ended up dragging her to the car, placing her in the backseat alongside Dark Cacao.

The line up was as such:

Pure Vanilla was driving.
Golden Cheese was in the passenger's seat.
Dark Cacao was in the back, followed by White Lily and Hollyberry.
White Lily was, of course, wedged between the two others.

And thus began the miserable road trip.

The farmers market wasn't too far away, but Pure Vanilla took the drive as an opportunity to explain himself.

"You see, I've found we have only been eating junk in this household and I am feeling as if we are becoming malnourished. I am trying to counter this as I care about your health. I believe you guys will actually like healthy snacks like these more than our bagel bites!" Pure Vanilla ranted.

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