Chapter 1: A Small Hang Out

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“We’re aaaaaalmost there, darling! Trust me, you are going to love it!”

Milo stated, as they guided Kitsune down the street. Kitsune followed along with them, smiling as she curiously wondered about the location that the reaper was taking her. They seemed pretty excited about taking her there, which was rather endearing. “Do you like tea shops, Milo? You seem pretty excited!” She asked.

“I’ve been wanting to try the place for a while. I hear it’s the best in town!” Milo replied. “Kitsune, you live here, right? Have you ever been?” They asked.

“Heh, yeah, I live here. Though, no, I haven’t been there. I’ve been wanting to try boba tea for a good while, but I guess I never got around to it.” Kitsune replied, shrugging. “Every time I thought I had a chance, I’d have to do something else- then I’d forget about it, or be too tired to go.” She explained.

“Hm, I see. Well, today’s the day you try it, dear!” The reaper chirped.

“Heh, I’m excited then!!” Kitsune responded, as they came across the aforementioned tea shop. It was a beautiful looking place. The sign above the door was a malachite green with white text- reading: ‘Tea Blossoms’. The glass windows had little designs that looked like sakura petals. “Oh, wow! This place really does look cute!” She beamed.

“It really does, doesn’t it?” Milo replied, smiling down at the young woman. They stepped ahead, opening the door and holding it. “After you, dear.” They gestured into the building.

Kitsune giggled, walking into the shop. “Why thank you, Milo.” She replied, Milo walking in after her.

After placing their orders, the two of them sat down in the shop. Milo dug into their pocket, pulling a phone with a faded orange phone cover. They glanced over at Kitsune, smiling at her faintly. “Hey.” They started, getting her attention. “Feel free to decline, but would you wanna take a picture with me by chance? I haven’t made a post to my blog today yet, and I thought I’d ask first.” They asked.

“Hmm.. Ah hell- why not?” Kitsune agreed.

“Fabulous! C’mere.” The reaper waved her closer. Once she got close enough, They pulled her down to their side- holding their phone up in the air with the front-facing camera. “Smile, dear! Let’s show the followers just how beautiful you are!” They smiled at the camera, Kitsune doing the same as she held up a peace sign.

Once the picture was taken, Milo looked at it- nodding in satisfaction. “Perfect! Oh wow- you’re really photogenic! Have you ever considered modeling?” They asked, beginning to head to their Instagram to post the newly taken picture.

Kitsune chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck. “Ah, no, can’t say I have. But thank you! You’re pretty good looking yourself.” She replied.

“Aw, aren’t you just the sweetest.” Milo remarked, ruffling her hair. After pressing a few buttons, the post was created. “Aaaand here we are! Here, what do you think?” They asked, showing her their phone.

On the screen was the photo they just took. Despite the fact that Milo had posted the picture just mere seconds ago, the likes were already at ten and were still going up. The caption that they attached read: “Made a new friend after work! Isn’t she a cutie? We’re out getting bubble tea together! #blessed.”

“Oh, that’s perfect!” Kitsune chirped.

"Why thank you- you're much too kind." Her new friend replied.

After getting their drinks, they decided to hang out at the local park. They sat together on the bench, Milo checking their phone for a moment. "So darling- what is it that you do for a living? I'm quite curious." They asked.

Kitsune waved her hand in a sort of meh motion. "Ehh, nothin' spectacular. I just work a typical nine-to-five as a waitress, buuut as a side job I have a Patreon where I do cosplays and all that." She replied.

Milo immediately set their phone down, looking at her with practical stars in their eyes. "Wait- really?! Oh- my god, you have to show me." They said, scooting closer.

Kitsune blinked, a little surprised at their sudden interest. But she smiled nonetheless, taking her phone out and opening a photo album full of cosplays she did. "Here! Weirdly enough, people think the halo adds to it. I guess they just think it's my brand." She said, handing them her phone.

The reaper scrolled through the images, seeming to be in awe in the costumes' quality. Some were very recognizable characters from anime like Asuna from Sword Art Online or Rem from Re:ZERO. Others were characters from more obscure media, or less talked about animes- like Satou from Happy Sugar Life. (That one was their personal favorite.)

"Oh, these are just amazing, darling! Did you make these all by yourself?" They asked.

"Heh, yeah. I have a sewing room back at home. I'll have to show ya." Kitsune nodded.

"You certainly should! I'd love to see what else you can do." Milo responded. "Hey, you don't mind if I give you my phone number, right? It's been a good minute since I had this much fun with a friend- especially an immortal one." They asked.

"Oh- go for it! I'd love to keep in touch." Kitsune chirped in reply, smiling.

Milo nodded, going ahead to put in their phone number before handing the device back to Kitsune. "Well dear, this was fun, but I'm afraid I have to get going. So disappointing, isn't it? Oh well- I look forward to seeing you later! Buh-bye now!" They called, picking up their drink before walking off.

"Bye Milo!" Kitsune bid him farewell, getting up to leave with her own drink in hand. As she did so, she looked at Milo's contact. They had saved it as: 'Milo💜🥀'. She chuckled a bit at the use of emojis, finding it cute.

She just couldn't wait to see them again.

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