Chapter 1: Long

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Gradually Sapnap notices that something is wrong. Patches of black mold begin to grow upon his restroom's ceiling, grime collects under his sink, and fungi starts to spread outward from cracks in the floor. When Sapnap requests a maintenance worker to investigate the problems, they discover that water has penetrated the walls of Sapnap's one-room studio apartment.

Worried that the moldy walls, rotting insulation, and fungal spores could be health hazards, Sapnap asks the maintenance worker what he should do. Although the apartment complex's landlord must pay for the repairs, Sapnap will still be unable to live in the studio apartment for two weeks while maintenance workers fix the pipes and remove the mold.

Hoping to live somewhere else temporarily, Sapnap seeks help from his friend George. Unfortunately George's one-room studio apartment is even smaller than Sapnap's place, so he cannot offer shelter for him. Instead, George promises to search for alternatives.

Without any other option, Sapnap resigns himself to wait.

Thirty minutes later, much sooner than expected, George calls back.

As Sapnap's ringtone echoes through the studio apartment's stuffy air, he hurries from the kitchen to grab his vibrating smartphone. From inside its wire cage, his guinea pig Pork Loin squeaks with curiosity.

Flopping onto his miniature couch beside one wall of the apartment, Sapnap answers the call. "Hello?"

"Hey, Sapnap!" George's voice is no longer uncertain. Now it is triumphant as he boasts, "I actually found someone. One of my friends has a house in Orlando, only two hours away from you. He says he would be happy to let you stay at his place!"

"For the whole two weeks?" Sapnap is astonished. Relief nearly overwhelms him. "Who's your friend?"

"His name is Dream," George explains. "I've known him for years! He's super cool, and he's got a big house, so don't worry about taking up too much space."

"What, is he, like, rich or something?"

"He's got money, I'll tell you that." Brimming with pride, George describes, "He's one of those rare rich people who are legitimately cool." Sapnap hears typing on a keyboard until the other man offers, "Here, I'll send you Dream's phone number so you can arrange the details with him."

"I'm excited to meet the guy." As Sapnap receives George's message in his inbox, he cannot believe his luck! Hoping to express his appreciation, he adds, "Thanks for your help, man. I really -"

"Wait!" George blurts, then he apologizes hastily for interrupting. "I'm sorry, just... there's something else I forgot to tell you. You should probably warn Dream that you've got a guinea pig. As far as I'm aware, he doesn't like rodents, but I'm sure he'll be willing to accommodate yours, especially since you only have one."

"Okay, thanks for letting me know." Opening his smartphone's messaging application, Sapnap agrees, "I'll tell him."

When Sapnap and George say their goodbyes and hang up, Sapnap is overjoyed. Unable to keep the news to himself, he turns to his guinea pig in its cage. "Did you hear all of that, Pork Loin? We're going to have a new home for a little while!"

Pork Loin's pink nose twitches. It stares at its owner with beady black eyes, then it scampers across its soft bedding to chew on a sprig of hay.

"Yeah, I'm excited, too." Returning his attention to his smartphone, Sapnap sends his first message to Dream's phone number.

Sapnap: Hello Dream, this is Sapnap! I'm George's friend

The other man responds immediately.

Two Guys, One House // a DreamNap fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now