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A/N I originally posted this on Tumblr, so if some parts are wonky, I'm so sorry!

Leafs blow off the branch into the winds, leaving only a bare tree behind it. The sun sets as the gray clouds rest above the small town. Doors shut. Windows opened. Fires going and the sound of laughter can be heard from the townhouses. Golden lights pour out into the fogy streets. Nothing is heard other than the sound of heels hitting puddles on stone, and the sound of faint rain drops on an umbrella.

  Red copper like hair can be seen from under the umbrella. The girl that everyone knows but doesn't always see, Sally finklestien. Sally was on a walk after a nasty memory coming back to haunt Sally and thought fresh air would help put her mind at ease. Sadly, it didn't work as well as it used too. Nothing really worked out like it used, too. Sally found out not too long ago. The sound of laughing children didn't make her lips curl up like they used to. The smell of simply going outside didn't get her excited like it used, too. The sight of the graveyard no longer made her feel at ease. She missed it a lot. She had since moved out since the Christmas disaster into a small house a little ways next to the graveyard. She was finally free. Another thing to happen is that she now worked and had a bigger part in the Halloween festivities. She was thankful. She now didn't have to worry about being back in a half hour to her own home. That was calming.

But something was still wrong. Sally, no matter how much she tried to rid herself of that thought, it came back. She tried to put the negatives with positives. She now had a better relationship with the doctor. She has friends. She had a home. She had her own shop! But no matter how hard she tried, something or someone felt like it was missing. And whatever that something or someone is, it caused something in her to change. She was still Sally, but she wasn't the right version of Sally. At least, not the version she wanted herself to be. She felt a little empty, maybe even a little sad. Not too long ago, she started to have nightmares. Sometimes, it was of Oogie. Sometimes, it was of him. Other times, it be herself, but a vision of what might become of her if this feeling keeps up. The walk she's taking right now is because she took a little too long of a nap and ended up screaming in her sewing shop about oogie with no one but herself inside.

She was too tired of things. She just, she really just wanted to know what was feeling and she really missed him...

Sally before she knew it was at the graveyard gate. She had been given a key to the graveyard since she basically had to go inside to get to her house. Sally sighed and was about to look through her purse when her hand pushed the gate. Sally hummed in surprise but figured it was Bemoth and James gathering up pumpkins for this year's Halloween celebration and forgot to lock the gate. She pushed the gate father open and stumbled inside. Continuing on to her little walk to her house. Sally was a little upset that her heels were getting full of mud and really considered just wiping a grave down and sitting on it, waiting till she saw fit to walk on it. She looked down to check what damage the mud had caused her shoes when she bumped into something tall. A deep yelp could be heard as she gasped and almost fell. Her umbrella flew, and before she could even comprehend what just happened, two hands came and pulled her towards it.

"Are you alright.?" a voice asked.

Oh no.

Sally slowly looked up to see two eye sockets staring down at her. The face smiled at her. "Sally! What a wonderfully beautiful surprise!" Jack cheered. Sally couldn't help but smile. "Hello Jack." Her voice came quietly. "It's been a while, how are you, sal?" Jack said with much joy. Sally loved that. She loved him. But focusing on the question she answered. " I'm just a little tired." It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't The truth either. Jack made a face before shaking his head. "Sally, are you sure you're just "tired"?, you have bags under your eyes, and your eyes are all watery." Jack replied, putting his hand on Sally's cheek. She really did look sad. Jack took this in right away. Her eyes had dark bags under them, and Sally looked like she had just gotten done with crying.

"I'm fine, Jack, really." Sally said, putting on a smile. Jack was about to say something when Sally cut him off.

"What are you doing out here though Jack? Thought you enjoy the rain from inside." Jack hesitated before answering. "I wanted to see you, actually. I missed you greatly and just wanted to say hi, but I saw you weren't home yet and I was heading to your shop to see if you were there." Jack confessed.

Sally felt her heart melting. O,  why does the Halloween lords have to make her suffer with an adorable caring skeleton.? Sally wished she could tell him everything. She really did. It was scary being by herself when those nightmares happened. It was sad that she had no one to talk to. It was lonely. Jack made her feel so special that it hurt.

She really loves him. But what would he say? Would he hate her? Would everything turn gray? The thoughts grew, and Sally buried her head in his chest. It starts to overwhelm her. Jack was a little surprised but started comforting her right away when she started to cry.

"Sally?" He called out gently as he ran his finger through her hair

J-Jack." Sally whispered, voice breaking. Jack gently started to hug her and rock her on his feet.

"What's wrong?" Jack asked as softly as he could. The rain slowed. He felt tears and raindrops hit him and Sally as they stood there.

"I..I." Sally stopped and put both her hands around his neck and put her head on his shoulder. Giving him a hug. Jack hugged back. No word or sudden movements were made in those moments. Jack would wait however long if it meant she felt better. They stood there for 30 minutes till Sally unhooked her arms and lifted her head. Jack met her eyes and gently slithered his hands to her waist. Sally inhales slowly before exhaling and frowning.

"I love you, Jack..."

The world stood still. Nothing felt real. Jack stood in shock, mouth agape as he looked at Sally. Sally stood patiently, waiting for his honest answer. She decided that if she told him if she would at least lift some weight off her shoulders. Jack's arms slowly let go of her waist.

Just to kiss her. Jack realized this love for her so long ago. He wanted to tell her, but the fear of breaking a friendship so important like this made him scared... He put his hand on her cheek. And the other one in the back of her head. He kisses her on her temple,cheek, and nose before looking at her for permission to kiss her lips. Oh, how badly he wanted this.. Sally blushes and nods as her arms hook around Jack's neck again, slowly bringing them closer together. The rain had stopped. Their lips meant in a soft kiss. It lasted a few minutes. Jack and Sally broke the kiss of gently, Sally smiled. She loves him, He loves her. Jack looked at the sky, smiling.

Sally giggled but then smelled the rain, "What's that smell?"

Jack chuckled before saying, "That's the  smell of petrichor. The smell after the rain." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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