Chapter 2

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Laila looked out of the window of the airplane. If she was going to fly a twenty hour flight to London, couldn't she have first class instead of economy, it was so cramped in ecomony, she could barely move her legs. At least I got the window seat. Laila pulled out her laptop and booted it up. Plus there's free wifi. She opened Word:

"Journal Entry 12. January 7th, 2014.

Today sucks, I got forced out of my school by mom and sent to freaking London. I'm in the plane now. I like traveling and all, but are you flipping kidding me?! Right in the middle of the school year?! I just got settled in at school, now I have to go to an all brand new one. I only hope for nice friends, good classes, and hot guys. What? I can't get a British boyfriend......or girlfriend? If you didn't already know, I'm bisexual, everybody at my school knows that, most of them don't give a crap about it. I don't give a crap about if you don't like it. Anywho, I'm bored out of my mind, we just got over the Atlantic Ocean, only about five more hours to go. -__- Yay! Mom said there would be a cab waiting for me at the airport, poor dude has to stand there for hours, hoping one of those people is me so they can take me to school. I've watched those crappy tv shows where the chick/dude walks up to the school and makes all these friends who are all decently normal, and there's a grumpy old house keeper who hates children, and a nice house lady who never gets you into trouble. Pssh! Yeah right! Well news flash idiots, I'M NOT NORMAL! Get over it, and plus, I don't act, at all. Last time I was on stage, well its embarassing, I peed myself, I WAS SEVEN! None of the teachers would make me do a stupid play ever again, the janitor hated me. But, oh well, what's done is done. I'm a little tired, I might take a nap. TTYL!"


"We will now be landing, please turn off all electronic devices. It is currently 1pm here in London," the lady announcer said over the speaker. Laila grabbed her bags and waited for the line to move. She had three bags with her, her two luggage bags and a bag for all the nessesities, books, music, games, all that crap. She shuffled down the cramped aisle, trying to get out of the plane. Laila finally got out and was hustled to the lobby in a crowd of people. There were cab drivers everywhere holding signs with people's names on them, but only one said "Laila Williamson" in bright blue letters. The driver was a young man in jeans and a t-shirt that said "Hottest Cabby Ever" on it. She walked over to him.

"You must be Laila, I'm Joun." He smiled and held his hand out as if saying "this way".

"Yes. I like the card, very creative."

"Yes, I do like the colour blue. My cab is out in the front." Laila followed him out the big glass doors. He opened the back door for her and took her luggage to put it in the front. He climbed in and started the cab. "This will only take about twenty minutes so sit tight." Twenty minutes later, just as the cabby had said, they arrived at Columbus High.

"Ooh, preppy," Laila said as she stepped out of the cab. There was a gigantic building in the center with little flower gardens on the sides and all around there were many dorm-looking building surrounding it.

"The center is the school and around are the houses. You are in house six, over on the right. Here is a little map for the first week or so. And I will get your bags for you, as long as you take one." The cabby smiled at Laila and opened the trunk, taking out the three bags, he grabbed the two big ones and let Laila take the smaller one. They started to walk to the houses.

"Its so quiet."

"The kids are in class, it won't be quiet when they get out, trust me." They walked up to a building that was labled with a number six in the top center of its front wall. It was a tan building with two stories. There was an overhang, along with the normal roof, wrapping all around the building, sheilding the first floor from the sun. "Here it is. Well, I have to go. Good luck, you'll need it." The cabby gave Laila a wink, set down her bags and went back to the cab and drove away.

"Well, here I go." Laila grabbed her bags and walked in the door.

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