the manor

327 11 0

September 30, 2019

"I thought his dad was an ass?"

Athena's brown tight curls slightly bobbed onto her thin shoulders as she carefully folded another crisp, white sweater into her bland suitcase—the corners of her smooth, cherry colored lips twitching at the words her best friend had just uttered. Placing the folded clothing into the tight section of the bag, her eyes fluttered up to the dark brown hues that Hestia possessed.

"He's not an ass. He just—he's very private," Athena murmered, shrugging her shoulders. She reached for another sweater—she liked sweaters. Especially the fuzzy ones with a slightly furry

exterior. "Besides, I'm going there for Scorp. He wants his dad and I to get along. Mind the fact that his wife just passed away last year, perhaps he isn't going to be the warmest person at the moment."

"Or," Hestia draws out the word, kicking her sleek—shiny combat boot onto the Athena's desk chair. She leaned her elbows onto her knee, tilting her head at the curly haired girl. "He doesn't like you because you're a Half—Blood. My pops told me that the Malfoys worship blood purity and shit. I'm surprised Scorp hasn't performed a blood ritual on you yet."

Her brow rose, eyes growing wide.

"Or has he? Tell me, Tee—Have you guys fucked covered in blo—"

Athena's face twisted, disgust swelling within her.

"You're disturbing, Hestia. Very disturbing."

Her small hand flipped her braids over her shoulder, glossy lips curving into a knowing smirk.

Her eyes glinted.

"Correction—woke. I am woke! When you wake up and see Mr. Malfoy wearing a dead deer's head—"

Athena threw one of her balled up pairs of jeans at her, cutting off the girl with a thump as the thick material smacked her across the face. Hestia grunted before stumbling back, catching them in her hands. Her brown eyes narrowed at the girl who was sat on the bed, legs crossed, who was sending her an annoyed glare back.

Athena eyes hooded.
"At least I get that bag," Hestia grinned, teeth shining under the light.

Athena's chocolate brown hues rolled, not even bothering trying to fight the faint smile on her cheeks—as she finished up the rest of the clothes with a flick of her wrist. In an instant, the wand in her hand glinted as there was a small pop—and her packing was finished. Slapping her hands against the mattress, she stood up, brushing down her forest—green jumper that was initially Scorpius'...but she never gave it back.

Oh well.
She rose her hand to her face, brushing away her baby hairs.
"When's Lily coming?"
Hestia shrugs, her leather jacket making a slippery sound due to her movements. "She said she'd be here—"

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