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7 Years Later for Rowen
I stand outside my father's dungeon cell. Every day,I have visited him. Every day since he was taken from me at the young age of eight. Two guards stood at my side while I spoke to my father. One on my left. One on my right. Luckily,I had gotten used to it.
"Rowen,I must tell you something I should've told you a long time ago." My father said,waving his hand so time froze and we were the only ones unaffected.
"What is it,father?" a knot built up in my throat.
"Remember my brother?" he asked.
"Yes,father. Your naïve brother with no end to his stupidity?" I echoed what he had told me all my life.
"Well,he has a daughter. His second actually. Her name is Alessa,and she is about the same age you are." Father waited for my answer. When it didn't come,he continued on,"So I need you to make an alliance with the frost giants."
"Yes,father." I said almost reluctantly, gripping my staff so much my knuckles turned white.
"That's my little girl." he resumed the time so everyone else could move again.
When I walked outside the castle,I was greeted by frightened stares because of my striking resemblance to my father. I ignored the stares and traveled to Jotunheim,the land where the frost giants lived. I flew to the nearest one and spoke to him about the alliance. Fortunately,he agreed and passed it on to the other giants until all of them knew it was a bad idea to hurt me. I was pleased that they wouldn't hurt me,but I was still repulsed by their carelessness with war and unnecessary blood loss. Their carelessness with death. But I must remember, my true grandfather, Laufey was one of those giants. Sometimes,I wish that Odin could be my true grandfather. But then I remembered. Because of Odin's stupid laws,my father was a prisoner. A sudden rage burned inside me. I felt the need to cause mayhem. To steal the Asgardian's precious belongings as they did to me.

Today,I am fifteen.
Today,I will fill my father's shoes.
Bring it on,Alessa. I'll be waiting.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2015 ⏰

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