While everyone was busy arguing, deciding who'll go out to get food, Jeongin's absence caught Felix's attention. He got up to check the rooms but found him nowhere. 

That's when he began to panic a little. He quickly dashed to the kitchen and that's when the slight ajar door of the house caught his attention. He rushed outside and found the barrier broken but there wasn't any time to stop and process anything. 

The loud screech had alerted him of the danger Jeongin might be in. Running to the end of the hallway and seeing Jeongin frozen in his place, he wasted no time in rushing towards him and kicking away the zombie charging towards him with full force. 

A second late and he would have lost Jeongin. 

Jeongin, who had closed his eyes, waiting for the creature to turn him into someone like itself, opened his eyes when the filthy stench that was becoming stronger upon the zombie rushing towards him suddenly became distant. 

"Hyung.." He could only let out as he saw Felix trying to keep the zombie pinned to the ground with full might. He didn't know what to feel at the moment. The fear, relief and shock- all dawned upon him at once. 

The others had rushed out immediately upon hearing the animalistic shriek. Changbin was the first one to rush out so he naturally went to help Felix in dealing with the creature. 

"Innie, are you okay?" Jihye checked up on Jeongin to make sure he wasn't hurt. Seeing how scared he looked, she pulled him in a hug.

"Noona, I was so scared" Jeongin let out, his voice shaking as he hugged Jihye back to seek comfort. The others gathered around him too as Chaewon and Chan, along with Changbin had to do the brutal task of shooting the zombie in the head so it could be dead.

Minho, who had securely locked the door of the floor signalled the others to take Jeongin home and told Jihye that the barrier was broken. 

"It seems like someone did it intentionally" He told her and it didn't even take a minute for Jihye to guess who was behind it all. 

"He is so fucking dead" She muttered and made her way, with Minho, towards their neighbour's house, the very man who threatened them that he would not let the barrier be. 

As she rang the doorbell furiously, the door opened with the man holding a stupid smirk on his face while his wife stood behind him, seemingly embarrassed by her husband's actions.

If Jihye wasn't already angry, seeing the man's face added fuel to the fire. She held the man by his collar, so tight that he coughed. 

"Do you want me to kill you right now?" She uttered through gritted teeth. 

"What happened? I heard a zombie screech? Did one of you die?" The man spoke satirically through a lisp. Considering how tightly Jihye was holding his collar, he had trouble forming his words. 

Jihye let out a breathy chuckle. If eyes could kill, the man would surely have been dead by now. That's just how mad she and Minho were right now.

"You do something like that again and I'll make sure you are the one who dies" The man didn't say anything after and Jihye finally let him go, backing away a few steps however, the man didn't wipe the lopsided, evil smile away. 

"This won't do" She muttered under her breathe before punching the man right in the nose. He fell on the ground due to the impact and her wife immediately crouched down to his side, gasping once she saw him bleeding. 

Minho and Jihye smiled in satisfaction, knowing that he deserved it. 

"I will sue you!" The man threatened, moaning in pain.

"Go ahead, do that if we make it out of here alive" And with that, the couple walked away. 

"What did he say? He did this right?" Seungmin asked as soon as the both of them entered in the house. 

"We didn't need to ask. It was clear he was the one who did this" Jihye said.

"She broke his nose" Minho told everyone, gesturing towards Jihye. 

"That's good. He deserved it" Chaewon smiled at her proudly before shifting her eyes towards Chan, who sat on the dining table with his head in his hands. 

"I am sorry everyone. I shouldn't have gone out alone" Jeongin let out meekly. 

"Why would you even do that!? Did I not state it clearly that no one is supposed to go out alone?" Chan scolded him. 

"Hyung I-"

"Do you realise what would we have done if something happened to you!?" Chan was scared. The moment replayed in his mind again and again. How they had almost lost Jeongin today.

"Channie.." Chaewon held his arm, signalling him to stop scolding Jeongin, who didn't even have enough courage to look up at him. 

Chan took in a deep breathe as he walked up to Jeongin, sitting beside him. 

"We were really scared Innie, losing you is the last thing we can bare" He sniffled and Jeongin finally looked at him. He hugged Chan, apologising again as he caressed his hair, comforting him. 

"It's fine, it's fine. I am sorry too. I should've been careful and noticed you were missing" 

Jeongin thanked Felix too, breaking into tears in his arms. He was grateful that he saved him. 

The rest few hours went by with them rebuilding the barricade, this time ensuring it was strong enough to not be broken easily. 

At the end of the day, everyone took time off, taking in the situation and the amount of danger they were in. 

Minho and Jihye, like everyday, sat in the balcony together. It was a part of their daily routine now, to sit for an hour or two in the balcony and talk about anything and everything. 

"You know, I want you to promise me something" Minho said, catching Jihye's attention who was busy looking at the stars in the sky. 


"I know you're all strong and everything but I don't really trust people like that man. I want you to be careful. He might put you in danger or something" Minho said carefully.

"What do you mean?" Jihye lightly chuckled, seeing how Minho struggled to find the right words.

"Don't get into fights, Ji. It can put you into danger. I understand that you are protecting everyone and I am proud of you for that but I hope you can be careful about yourself too" He exclaimed, taking Jihye's hand in his. 

"Don't worry Min, I have you. I am busy protecting others because I know I have you to protect me" She reassured him, running her fingers through his hair. 

"I am always there for you but it's just that- I am scared. What if I tear my eyes away from you for a moment and something happens? I don't know what I'd do then" 

"You know, I watched this show once and I remember a line from it- 'If I am the bad cop, you be the good cop'. Let's do that, while I play the bad, you be nice. We're a team" Jihye said, smiling cheekily at him, who though wasn't fully convinced, couldn't resist smiling back at her. 

"I will be fine, Min. Don't worry about me" She once again tried to fully reassure him as he just nodded at her. 

Unbeknownst to her, she mattered everything to him now and so he promised himself to look out for her always.


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