Author's Special!!

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Hey hey hey fellow fangirls and fanboys!!
It's time for....drum roll please. *cues the drum roll*
The Author's Special!!!
Now I know you're all asking, what is the Author's special and why is the author being crazy?
Well the Author's special is where we bring in a group of different fandoms and together they will compete to see who is the ultimate fandom!
Sherlock: Quite right too but it seems like you deliberately ignored the second question because one can assume you are in fact quite crazy.
Author: -_- Sherlock how many times must I tell you to quit showing off? Anywho let's begin with our game.
Author: Now I will be asking you a series of 3 questions and who ever gets the most right wins.
Supernatural: Sounds easy enough.
Doctor Who: Let's do this!
Sherlock: Just ask the questions already.

Author: Alright alright! First question for only Sherlock and Dean: How many regenerations has the Doctor had?
Dean: 12 obviously
Sherlock: Wrong! He has had 13 regenerations!
Author: -looks at the Doctor- Well Doctor tell us who was right.
Doctor: Sherlock was right.
Author: Alright 1 point for Sherlock.

Author: Next question goes to.....Sam from the Supernatural fandom and Donna Noble from the Doctor Who Fandom and.....Mycroft from the Sherlock fandom. Second question is: How do you kill a vampire? With a wooden stake or with a silver knife?
Donna: With a wooden stake of course.
Mycroft: With a silver knife.
Sam: Not quite you have to kill a vampire by cutting off its head.
Author: Supernatural fandom wins the point.

Author: Now last question. You are being asked to describe your fandom/show to a new viewer. How would you describe what your show/fandom is about?
Doctor Who: My show is about friendship and bravery and love and loss, and life and death and forgiveness and guilt, and being human and being less than human and sometimes a bit more than human, skill and intellect and sometimes a little bit of luck, finding the extraordinary in the seemingly ordinary. Looking up at the night sky and realizing you are part of an impossibly beautiful and mysterious universe and that you don't know all the answers no matter how clever you are. It's about looking inside yourself and realizing you are far greater than external conditions of your life: You're not a shopgirl, you're not a successful medical doctor, you're not a temp. You're not a little girl who needs to grow up or a boy that thinks the love of his life could have done better. You are the most important person in the creation and at the same time you are the most insignificant thing in the world, and having the ability to choose between the two at any given time is fantastic. It's about embracing your inner darkness so that you can stand in the light of your truth. It's about having the guts to do what is right even when everyone else just runs away.
Author: Okay wow....that was more than enough for an explanation. Okay Supernatural you're next.
Supernatural: My show is about strength and bravery. Mostly about putting your loved ones first. It's about knowing that even if you are scared you are never alone and you have enough courage to do what's right. It's about making the best out of the worst situation. It's about embracing that we all have the right to choose how we live our lifes. It's all up to you.
Author: That was quite a beautiful explanation Supernatural. Now Sherlock it's your turn.
Sherlock: My show is about being yourself. And never hiding who you really are. It's about embracing that it is quite alright that you're different in fact in my show we praise the ones that are different than what society wants us to be. It's about finding who you really are on the inside and that no matter what you think there will always be someone who is looking out for you.
Author: Wow. Another beautiful explanation. Now readers! I need your help! Please leave a comment and vote on which fandom has the best answer for the last question! Will you choose the Sherlock fandom, the Doctor Who fandom, or the Supernatural fandom? So please let me know who you think should win and in the beginning of the new chapter I will announce the fandom that is the winner!
Good luck My Fellow Fangirls and Fanboys!
Until next time,

Book One: When John met Mary/How we fell in loveWhere stories live. Discover now